What subscriptions/services do you have related to your boat?

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Classic P

Staff member
Jul 3, 2020
Reaction score
Curious what paid subscriptions/services you have as it relates to your boat things like; maintenance trackers, navigation software, etc.
Not sure if BoatUS/SeaTow Services count as one of your paid subscriptions/services, but emergency towing services are the only annual subscription I currently have.

I would be the same if BoatUS counts. As for my phone I have apps such as Buoycast, and Tides app that likely all of us have similar and I just have the bare bones(not premium). Once I get a few miles out they don't work without cell coverage. I have active captain for garmin but have not used it and doubt that counts. Interested to hear what others say. Thank you!
TowBoat US

On my phone I do use:
  • Wunderground (for Weather Underground) - Clearly THE superior weather app forecasts and radar for incoming fronts, for me here in the NE
  • AyeTides - Accurate tides
  • iSailGPS - A great phone 'chartplotter' using NOAA charts, very handy when I take out the small skiff
  • Garmin ActiveCaptain - Links all my touchscreen devices, chartplotters, fishfinders, plus runs the radio and acts as a Wifi hub
Sending a big shout out to CBigma!
Curious what paid subscriptions/services you have as it relates to your boat things like; maintenance trackers, navigation software, etc.
SeaTow. Towboat has milegae limitations and SeaTow does not.
TowBoat US

On my phone I do use:
  • Wunderground (for Weather Underground) - Clearly THE superior weather app forecasts and radar for incoming fronts, for me here in the NE
  • AyeTides - Accurate tides
  • iSailGPS - A great phone 'chartplotter' using NOAA charts, very handy when I take out the small skiff
  • Garmin ActiveCaptain - Links all my touchscreen devices, chartplotters, fishfinders, plus runs the radio and acts as a Wifi hub
Sending a big shout out to CBigma!

Welcome back to your home port Dale.
Always good to hear from you my friend!
Coming up on 18 years soon.

TowBoat US

On my phone I do use:
  • Wunderground (for Weather Underground) - Clearly THE superior weather app forecasts and radar for incoming fronts, for me here in the NE
  • AyeTides - Accurate tides
  • iSailGPS - A great phone 'chartplotter' using NOAA charts, very handy when I take out the small skiff
  • Garmin ActiveCaptain - Links all my touchscreen devices, chartplotters, fishfinders, plus runs the radio and acts as a Wifi hub
Sending a big shout out to CBigma!
Hey Dale, I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for starting. and growing ClassicParker. This site is a world of Parker-knowledge that would not otherwise exist.... It is very-much appreciated; thank you once more.
Curious, why do you ask?
Maybe to like uhhhhhhh ... learn from each other?

Like in my area (Mass), the phone app Wunderground is fantastic for accurate weather predictions, although for wind I'll augment that with Windy and the NOAA offshore weather buoy 'real time' readings. The radar outlook also gives you a 2-hour window to see if that front you can see off in the distance is headed for you.

This site was started with the intent to share knowledge whilst maintaining an extremely high 'signal to noise' ratio (none of the BS that you see on The Hull Truth, etc.). I do hope that is still the fact ...