Recent content by pelagic2530

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  1. pelagic2530

    23 SE, Livewell 2 switch?

    Right, it probably has wires coming off it going into the harness. Those wires probably dead end under a bulkhead somewhere close to where the other livewell would be. Parker uses a standard wiring harness like most other manufacturers. They just don’t hook up the wires for options that you...
  2. pelagic2530

    23 SE, Livewell 2 switch?

    Probably just a bare switch in a standard harness that’s for an optional second livewell that your boat isn’t equipped with.
  3. pelagic2530


    We apparently have vastly different perceptions of a good looking pilothouse 😂 I’m glad it rides nice, because that is one fugly boat IMHO
  4. pelagic2530

    Radar Question - necessity of a pedestal?

    The extra few inches, on a small boat with a low powered radar system that experiences large amounts of vessel movement, is unlikely to have a significant impact on overall performance. What will, however, is ensuring that the radar is mounted at an appropriate angle to keep the beam pointed...
  5. pelagic2530

    2520 extended cabin new owner

    Welcome! I assume you’re referring to a 2530? If so, congratulations on buying one of the nicest Parker models out there- although I may be biased! Pictures are always appreciated!
  6. pelagic2530

    Bilge fan

    Very nice- reminds me of the project that @Megabyte posted many years ago for a solar-powered fan mounted to a spare deck pie-plate lid. It could be snapped in place when the boat was at rest to air out the tank compartment, then replaced with the normal pie plate cover when the boat was in use...
  7. pelagic2530


    I agree, the 2420 is just an odd-looking boat. It looks like the result of a Parker getting too drunk and leaving the bar with a C-Dory- the rest is history!
  8. pelagic2530

    Anchor Windlass With Dedicated Battery

    So I’m pretty sure when you say a “drum” windlass, you’re referring to products like the EZAnchorPuller or similar, where the entire windlass assembly is mounted on the bow and the rode is wrapped around and stored on the revolving drum of the windlass, correct? In that case, assuming you seal...
  9. pelagic2530

    BOE Marine Fast and free warned

    As far as your intent in making the post, thanks for bringing it to everyone’s attention that it’s probably worth it to take a look at what the package is insured for when shipping high value items. That’s a good idea and is often overlooked. Even with extra insurance, I’m not sure you...
  10. pelagic2530

    Need a review of Parker 2310

    I’ve never ridden one but I’ve walked around a few. They’re a beast of a little boat. It’s the same 23DV hull as the 2320 and 2300, so performance wise they’re likely similar. You do sit up a little higher and a little further aft (I think) at the helm, so you may realize a bit better ride from...
  11. pelagic2530

    2023 23 SE Black acrylic dash panel

    Does that include the new switches and wiring? You won’t be disappointed with them, they do excellent work.
  12. pelagic2530

    2310 house battery relocation, 70lb AGM, reinforce hull?

    The tank is mounted in the forward part of the cockpit, on the centerline. He posted a picture. He’s well within capacity limits, the weight is on the centerline, and it’s in the cockpit, presumably where the boat is designed to carry weight. If he’s only running with a couple other people (as...
  13. pelagic2530

    2310 house battery relocation, 70lb AGM, reinforce hull?

    A Parker 2310 is rated, per the capacity plate, for 8 persons or 1185lbs. With that livewell brimming full, he’s still got 585lbs of people to play around with. In fact, it’s rated for 2600lbs persons, motor, and gear. So 600lbs of water puts him very far from “SINKING THAT BOAT”, although it...
  14. pelagic2530

    2310 house battery relocation, 70lb AGM, reinforce hull?

    If you’d have said “putting valves on the scuppers is a bad idea because the cockpit won’t self bail if you take on water” or actually offered any sort of constructive feedback, I’d agree with you. You didn’t. You just insulted another member’s knowledge without providing anything useful. Be...
  15. pelagic2530

    New to ClassicParker

    That’s a rare boat, and by all accounts an absolute beast amongst the other boats in its class. There may be a few other members here with that boat, but not too many. Be sure to post pictures when you take delivery!