replacing steering on 18. evinrude 140 1989

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Mar 10, 2008
Reaction score
Severna Park maryland
I am replacing the steering on an 89 18 foot, evinrude 140.

Does anyone know If I need to remove the engine to do so?

Also, I have the Teleflex Big T, and thinking about going to the teleflex NFB 4.2.

Any input in this? ahs anyone made a similar switch? Are new parkers (And they are pretty much all newer then mine) equiped with NFB steering anyway?
cjd":3cyp5o15 said:
I am replacing the steering on an 89' 18 foot, evinrude 140.
Does anyone know If I need to remove the engine to do so?
You shouldn't need to ... provided enough room to route the new cable into the tilt-tube.

Also, do yourself a favor, beg/borrow/steal (OK, don't steal) a 12 guage shotgun cleaning brush and section or 2 of cleaning rod. Chuck up into an electric drill and clean the snot out of the ID of the tilt tube. Lube ALL up with Bomb/OMC or Yamaha brand (all OB makes sell it) blue-colored, waterproof, synthetic grease. The US labeled version is always 1/2- to 2/3rds the $$ of the Jap labeled grease and it ALL comes out of the SAME factory.

Since you're going cable, I'd also add a 'Steersman', see this post here.

cjd":3cyp5o15 said:
Also, I have the Teleflex Big T, and thinking about going to the teleflex NFB 4.2. Any input in this? ahs anyone made a similar switch? Are new parkers (And they are pretty much all newer then mine) equiped with NFB steering anyway?
Definitely go with NFB steering. Contact Andy @ , tell him I sent you ... he sold me a Uflex, I believe, with similar NFB technology, and it was cheaper than a Teleflex.

I would assume newer boats use the NFB. I made up a 16' skiff last Summer, with a 40hp on her, and that NFB makes it track straight as an arrow. Fairly easy to turn too, but that's more a function of wheel diameter.

Hope this helps ...

Thanks for the response. Funny, but I was actually planning on using my shotgun cleaning rod, but I had not thought about putting it on a drill. great idea.

I had not considered brands other then Teleflex (I thought they where the standard). Since I am replacing the floor (though hopefully no stringers), I have plenty of time to look at other options.

Great looking boat in you signature BTW.

Thanks again

Glad to see the 140 Evinrude is still going. That's been a good one! I guess the soft spots in the deck finally got bad enough to replace. How about some pictures of the project?
Good luck with it.
Dave Burton

Unbelievable to hear from you. Yeah, I bought that boat from you knowing I would have to replace that junky engine and the floor ASAP.

7 years later, that junky engine has survived two yeras in a slip o the Severn River a post hurricane 4x4 , a trailer mishap that ended up dragging the skeg at about 55mph (lost a wheel), and two years in a Kentucky storage lot (Here an epic train fire melted the part on it - I called my friends all over the country to tune in to CNN to see my parker form the airiel shots), then a trip back home to MD. You should be ashamed of yourself for passing on that lemon

By the way, I found a sinker and 37 cents when I removed the windscreen. I will get it back to you

I just took some pictures of the empty deck, and plan to start cutting after Christmas. (If my wife catches me in the boat on Xmas day, ill be sleeping in it).

Oh yeah, that COOL single guy you sold the boat to know has three litt;e ones under 5, so the boat is back on kid duty again.

Have a great Christmas

chris :D
Hey Chris, Lot of change in your life in the past 7 years! Congratulations on the marrage and kids.
I've wondered about that 18 a number of times, sometimes wishing I had it back. The 18 is a great boat - you can go anywhere in it. I still have the 21SE I replaced it with and it's still a great boat for me as I like both off shore and back country fishing.
Keep posting the progresss of the work on the 18.
Will do Dave.

I am hoping to get the tank out this weekend. If it is bad, the project will likely become a long term kind of thing. With everything else going on around here, I can't pull this off by spring.

We have plenty of kayaks, and I scored a great little precision 14 daysailor All I had to do was pull the trailer bunks out of the bottom of it).

the kids will get plant of time on the water with or without the parker this year.

I saw some pictures of a new 1801, and there appears to be a casting deck up front. Very tempting as long as I am sucking up fiberglass fumes.
Chris, I'd consider replacing the tank anyway at this age, probably with a composite one rather than the aluminum it came with. Even if you can't see any corrosion on the outside you could and probably do have some electrolysis damage on the inside. Now's the time to do it while you have the floor up.