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  1. S

    Water stains above bottom paint removal?

    FSR works great. It's like blue jelly, apply, leave it sit for 5 minutes and wash off.
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    Replacement Seat cushions cost

    What do you think cushions would cost to have made for two ladder back chairs. I need new seats and backs. Anyone have any recomendations for the Baltimore area?
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    Shrink wrap or not?

    Want to keep snow out of the cockpit this is what I do for my 2510. Frame out 2 sheets of 4 x 8 plywood, lay it from gunwale to gunwale and lay a tarp over it then bungie it down. Takes about 15-20 minutes to cover it, been doing this for 6 years and it works great.
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    Rust stains in bilge, please help

    By any chance did you have the stains on top the bilge pump and float switch that you might have clean off before taking that picture? The reason I ask I had similar color drip stains a few years ago. I took the hatch off and removed the sealant, the edge of the plywood was raw and was not...
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    2004 Parker 2510 MV

    I have the same boat /motor combo. 915 hours on the F225 (2002). It's been a great motor. I fish the upper Chesapeake which is not a salty as an ocean run boat. My mechanic hasn't seen the corrosion issue in my area. It is about a $2000 repair job if it's needed.
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    Bilge/Drain Plug area Gel-Coat CRACKS

    This is what Eric told me, what is your reason? We installed the transom board with an adhesive and clamp the board to the transom until the adhesive is cured. It is not unusual for the adhesive not to be in contact with the area at the very bottom of the transom board as this is an area where...
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    Bilge/Drain Plug area Gel-Coat CRACKS

    First off I'm not bashing my boat or any Parker but I thought I would share an issue with my boat with everyone. The boat is a 2002-2510. Sorry pictures are out of order. When getting my boat ready for spring I noticed cracks in the bilge area. I don't know why they showed up but can make...
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    Plastic Fabricator in Baltimore Area

    There is a guy in Parkville that can make this for you, right off the Beltway. I'm assuming he is still around. Chuck Gambo 410-882-7070. He made a hatch for a freind of mine a few years ago
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    Spring boating checklist

    I change my water sep. filter every 100 hours or so, at 20 hours I would be changing every 2 or 3 trips and storing batteries on the concrete is fine that's an old wives tale.
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    UnderPowered motor ?

    I have a F225 on a 2510 MV with painted bottom and it will due 38-39mph. I think the DV 2310 would be close to the same. A 250 would probably get a few more mph. 225 should be fine IMO
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    Ride in the snow

    That is a really nice place. What are you fishing for in that lake. Anthony
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    My 9 year old Son broke 40"

    I love to see kids with fish, I'm sure he was whipped by the time he got it in. Now you have to teach him how to hold it. We were out Sunday and picked up 6 fish up to 38". Picked up three off TPL and three between Brickhouse and Matapeake.
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    Life of Yamaha 225F

    Pushing 850 hours on my 2002 F225, no issues and I keep mine maintained.
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    Need Salmon Charter in Chicago Area

    Going on a business trip with a co-worker on Sept 14-16, we looking to stay an extra day and try some salmon fishing on Lake Michigan. Can anyone recommend a good Captain? Our hotel is by the McCormick Center. Most likely it would have to be a 1/2 day trip because we would have to catch a plane...
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    Photos from Annapolis Raftup

    Two years in a row we missed it as we were on vacation. Hopefully next year we will make it. Anthony
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    The 4th annual Classic Parker Annapolis Rendezvous!

    The family and I will be on vacation again this year. We will be at Cherrystone Camp Ground; fishing and crabbing. I guess I will only have pictures again. Have a great time. Anthony
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    cracks in aft deck of 2004 XL

    I have a crack on my deck 2002 and couldn't get a straight answer from Eric either. Left a few messages but he never would return my call. I'm getting it fixed this year.
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    Slow day out of Solomons MD but got a couple of nice fish!

    Nice picture of the fish in the water. Doesn't sound like a bad day to me. BB area has been tough lately, I have only been getting a few hits a day with 1/2 getting off for some reason or another. I'll be taking my boat back to Middle River this weekend with my daughter. I'll go to the eastern...
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    This weekends fishing with kids

    Greg, Saturday was a nice day, I was out in the slop on Sunday too with my Brother, we caught three in a 1/2 day. Looks like you had a good tournament but didn't get the big one, maybe next year... Stephanie loves fishing and I do agree I'm lucky that she likes it. She is 15 now and has a...