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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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  1. S

    New 23 DVCC with walk-in head

    Is that a cup holder on a Parker? What's this world coming to.
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    2510 xl

    Love your new 2510's, I have the old style; "Classic" style. Shrinkwrapping around here is $10 per foot, upper Chesapeake.
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    Removal of Old Numbers and State Decals

    A hair dryer works perfect.
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    Who has CBBT plans?

    Sal, Rockfish that have been in the Chesapeake all year don't have sea lice on them. The fish that come in from the ocean have lice on them which tell us Chesapeake anglers the fish that migrated from up north are moving south for the winter. As the fish head south they "usually" work their way...
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    Who has CBBT plans?

    I went out of Solomons today (11/4) with 9 people from work on a Charter. We caught 20 rockfish up to 32", a few of the bigger fish had sea lice on them so things should start happening very soon. FYI, Captain ran about an hour and fifteen minutes south of Solomons. Anthony
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    SouthWest Florida Parker Owners Group Rendevouz

    I have the Parker flag that we used in Annapolis, you are welcome to use it. Just send it back to me when you are finished with it. Let me know. Anthony
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    21SE Trim Tabs

    Hey Bucktail, I was at Maryland Marina working on my friends GO-FAST a week ago and saw your Parker out of the corner of my end. Had to go over and check her out. Looks real nice! Anthony
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    yamaha vibration abd gear grinding

    MY F225 clunks when putting into gear and at low RPM's it sounds like it's grinding too. I was told it was normal.
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    2007 Annapolis in-water boat show photos

    Good talking to you Kevin. That's not a boat your selling it's a tank that floats. Prices are out of site these days on new boats. I guess I'll have to keep the 2510 a few more years! Anthony
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    Depressing Report - Menhaden and Striped Bass Study

    Years ago we would see acres upon acres of LY with rockfish tearing them up in the upper (Pooles Island and north). If the fish weren't on top you bottom bounce eels or bucktails to catch them. Now your lucky to catch a striper or two up their and would be real lucky if they didn't have some...
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    What Does Everyone Do and How did you get into Boating?

    I work for a pharmaceutical printing company as a customer service rep.. I use too have a small printing company before this job but got tired of working 70 hours a week, then looked for a 40 an hour week job to enjoy life before work killed me. My dad took myself and my brother fishing and...
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    New York to Annapolis, with some Parker action photos

    Sounds like a fun trip, thanks for the picks. Sweet boat ! ! !
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    Big Bluefin on my 21 SC

    Great picture, I love a good blood bath!
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    F225 Yamaha problem.

    I had the same problem the first year I had my boat. I had to be towed in when it happened but eventually figured it out.
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    Ideas For What To See And Do In New England

    Sounds like a great trip. My family is thinking about heading north next year in a pop-up camper, We want to check out Boston, Cape Cod, Martha's Vinyard, etc. We want to do about a 10 day trip. Rangerdog what would you consider the best to see in 10 days, we are leaving from north of...
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    ClassicParker Annapolis, 2007 Rendezvous #1

    Donna, Stephanie, Rachel and myself want to thank Kevin and Mary Jo and everyone else for a great time. The kids are looking forward to "Parker-thon III" next year, I'll bring the Croaker again.
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    ClassicParker Annapolis Rendezvous #2

    My daughters had a great time with the dogs towing them around. Anthony
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    Announcing: The 2007 ClassicParker Annapolis Rendezvous!

    Myself, Donna and the kids will come down from Middle River again if the forecast holds. Might not be able to close the place because we are heading to Deep Creek Lake Sunday morning. See ya there. Anthony
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    Avoiding Ethanol`

    I don't know if most people know this. In Maryland it is hard to avoid. Where I live gas tanks leaked the MTBE gas and got into wells of nearby homes less than 2 miles from my house. Everyone had to have their water tested and homes that tested positive with high levels of MTBE and to have...