New York to Annapolis, with some Parker action photos

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2006
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Lewes, DE
Had a cool adventure this past weekend... I helped my neighbor, who co-owns a Yacht Management company, move a 54' (Grand Banks) Eastbay from Port Washington NY to Annapolis MD.

We drove up to NY on Friday evening, and got to the boat located in Port Washington NY about 0800 Sat morning. Wow... nice ride!
She is a 2005 Eastbay with a pair of 1000 hp Cats under the deck, and a full array of electronics to include net access.


After stowing our gear, we slipped the lines and were underway by 0830 and passed through Hells Gate by 0900 making 24 kts at 1850 rpm.

Some highlights along our East River route...
Rikers Island Prison facility


Some recognizable skyline sights...








and as we passed under the Verrazano Narrows Bridge about 0930.


Leaving NY Harbor via the Ambrose Channel seas were 1 to 2 and imagine my suprise as we passed Parker, after Parker, after Parker!
We probably saw 20 Parkers fishing along our route out of Ambrose, and even more off of the New Jersey coast.

Here are a few of the boats I was able to photograph on our trip south, destination Cape May NJ.







Anyone who was out this past Saturday knows that the winds started out light, but built steadilly all day long. When we left New York Harbor, seas were 1 to 2. As we traveled down the Jersey coast, we kept track of seas via a sat link to a wave height site, and by the time we were nearing Cape May we were seeing 4 to 6's which caused us to slow from 27 kts early in the trip to 17 just outside of Cape May.

Still... not an uncomfortable ride in this sled. :wink:


Here are a few sights from Cape May...






Sunday morning as the sun rose.


The good news for us was that the wind machine had taken a break, so as we left the dock about 0700, we left the fishing fleet behind and struck out for the Delaware Bay.


We passed the Cape May / Lewes ferry port and entered the DE Bay about 0720.


Entered the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal...


Slowed to 6 kts through Chesapeake City...





Exited the C&D canal and into the northern Chesapeake southbound...
This is Turkey Point (light house visable on the hill).


From this point on to Annapolis, we made 27 kts turning 1900 rpm and burning about 60 gph.
Some goofball at the helm...



We passed under the Bay Bridges about noon...


Passing Greenbury Point and entering the Severn River.
No incidents and no issues. It was a great trip.

Hey Sal... According to my logbook, I passed Normandy Beach at about 1100 on Saturday. :)
That was a nice trip. It also explains why you had no fishing report last weekend.
Thanks for sharing that with us. I have family that's from Cape May so that brought back some old memories. I love the shot of the flag in the foreground with Miss Liberty and the NY skyline in the back. Awesome.
Porkchunker":x594zrk9 said:
Did you toss them the CP Koozie Bomb as you went past?

That would have been cool, but I'd have needed a case of em. :D

We were running at speed in the Ambrose channel, so I wasn't all that close to the boats that were fishing. The zoom on my ancient camera was maxed out in order to get the shots that I did. :D

Believe me, there were many more Parkers out there than the photos would suggest. Some of them fishing the slop off the Jersey coast were the only boats out there on a very nasty day. 8)
Capt. Kevin, just came across your trip, (great pictures). I'll be making a trip to Port Washington from Cape May next summer, my brother lives there. I intended to go the week before your trip but wanted to get more comfortable with my Parker first. Was wondering how long it took to get to Cape May? If I had known you would be in the neighborhood I could have shown you about 150 Parker's in the area. 22 in my marina aloan.
PhilC":2c01w3er said:
Was wondering how long it took to get to Cape May?

I'll be able to tell you almost exactly, but I have to get my log book off the boat first.
Once I do, I'll let you know. :wink:
OK Phil... I know that this is going in the opposite direction, but here are the (edited) entries from my log book.

Saturday 09 Sep, 2007

Slipped the lines at 0820 heading south at 24 kts and making 1850 rpm.

0900 - Passed thru Hells Gate at 27 kts making 1850 rpm

0930 - Passed under the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge at 25 kts turning 1850 rpm, entering Ambrose Channel.

1000 - Set waypoint on the AP for Barnegat Inlet. Making 24.5 kts turning 1875 rpm

1030 - Passing Asbury Park at 24 kts. Waved to Bruce. :)

1100 - Passing Normandy Beach. Waved to Sal. :)

1130 - Approaching Barnegat Inlet at 24 kts. Wind and seas are building. Running 2 to 3 right now.

1200 - Passing Surf City at 22 kts turning 1740 rpm burning 55 gph.

1230 - Reducing speed to 20 kts at 1600 rpm. Seas building to 4'.

1300 - Passing Abescon inlet (Atlantic City) making 19 kts. Seas at 5'.

1330 - Passing Egg Harbor Inlet at 19 kts aprox 3 miles offshore.

1400 - Just south if Sea Isle City (Townsends Inlet area) making 19 kts.

1430 - Passing Herford Inlet just north of Wildwood running 17.5 kts turning 1500 rpm, burning 40 gph, seas 4 to 6.

1500 - Entering Cape May Inlet

1630 - We're fueled, washed, and all systems checked... Miller time!

Sunday 10 Sep, 2007

0700 - Slipped the lines and headed thru the Cape May Canal towards DE Bay.

0720 - Entered DE Bay

No more log entries this day as I had the helm the whole way.
The water was flat, the weather was beautiful, and we made between 24 and 27 kts the whole way (slowing to 6 kts through Chesapeake City).

We had some commercial traffic to deal with, but nothing slowed us up for long. :wink:

Arrived at the dock in Annapolis at aprox 1300 and had the boat cleaned and serviced by 1600.