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  1. L

    1994 2330 FUEL TANK LEAK

    My 2330 has a fuel tank leak and I'm wondering what my options are. I'd like to get some advice from anyone who has successfully gone through the same issue and is happy with the outcome, including the cost. Thanks in advance!
  2. L

    1994 2330 cockpit deck plate

    Found a pinhole in the bottom of the tank directly under the sending unit. Cockpit floor looks like it is removable or has been removed before. Have you had to replace your fuel tank?
  3. L

    1994 2330 cockpit deck plate

    Found a pinhole in the bottom of the tank directly under the sending unit. Cockpit floor looks like it is removable or has been removed before. Have you had to replace your fuel tank?
  4. L

    2330 plastic fuel tank?

    I need to replace the fuel tank in my 1994 2330. I am considering a plastic tank. Has anyone had any experience with a plastic tank? Thanks in advance
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    1994 2330 cockpit deck plate

    I have a 1994 2330 (yes the extended cabin) that might need a new fuel tank. There is a seam outlining the cockpit floor. It looks oem. Did Parker ever make a removable cockpit floor on this model? I’ve never seen one on any Parker before.
  6. L

    2330 scupper problems

    Thank you for the responses, I have checked for water in the bracket and there is none. I have the ball type scuppers but have ordered the th scuppers as recommended. I think I will move the batteries into the forward cabin which should take about 175lbs from the stern and add 175lbs into the...
  7. L

    2330 scupper problems

    I have a 1994 2330 with a 2008 250 yamaha and I am getting water back through the scuppers and onto the cockpit floor. we are always standing in water when we are standing near the transom. Have any of you had the same problem and how can I fix it? Thanks in advance!
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    No, I sold it about a year ago
  9. L


    Thanks again Brent! This will make my 3rd Parker! A 2520xl; a2830; and now a 2330. I'm a Parker addict for sure.
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    Thank you Brent! Were you able to measure the width of the top of the cabin at the rear? /
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    Thanks Brent! I'll be looking forward to it. Also can you measure the width of the cabin roof at the rear? Thanks! -Leo
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    Hello, and thank you in advance for your help. I'm looking for a 2330 and would like to know the dimensions of the cockpit. A diagram of the boat would REALLY be helpfull. Thanks again.
  13. L

    Has anyone installed an Armstrong bracket?

    Well, I went through an Armstrong Bracket replacement. Before you start this project be aware that you will have to cut a section out of the cockpit sole in order to reach the bolts that are hidden. Also be aware that the bolt holes will most likely NOT line up with the new bracket. Therefor you...
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    WTB Cockpit Combing Pads for 2520xl

    I'm looking for a pair of cockpit combing pads for a 2520 xl. I'm on the West coast but will pay for shipping from East coast. Thanks in advance!
  15. L

    2830 able edge molding

    Thanks Brent, I checked with them today but they didn't have it. I have a 2005 2830 but I assume that the 2530 uses the same molding.
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    2830 able edge molding

    Does anyone know where I can buy the edge molding for my 2830 table? I assume that it's the same as the 2530's. Thanks in advance!
  17. L

    Table edge moulding for 2830.

    Does anyone know where to buy the edge moulding used for the table in a 2005 2830? I assume it is the same as in the 2530 of the same approx. vintage. I have a 1" gap that needs to be filled. Thanks in advance!
  18. L

    21 SE difficult to get on plane

    Another great reason to go with an aluminum problem is that the load on your lower unit is much less when you go into forward or reverse. The stainless steel props are so heavy that in order to get them to start spinning when you put it in gear it puts way more load on the lower unit.
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    21 SE difficult to get on plane

    I can tell you the two things that will help you the most with your issue . The first is to install a set of transom wedges. They come in 5° or 7°. Either one will help tremendously. Yamaha outboard's have a limited amount of negative pitch and therefore the wedges are very effective. They...
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    Galley cabinet for 2520xl

    I'm looking for a galley cabinet for a 2520xl. Thanks!