Hi leohayday, I don't know if anyone will be able to supply a diagram with dimensions, but you could get some very close estimates of the cockpit dimensions by means of interpolation from the many overhead photos in this link below; it's a ClassicParker six-page link, to a 2330 rebuild;Hello, and thank you in advance for your help. I'm looking for a 2330 and would like to know the dimensions of the cockpit. A diagram of the boat would REALLY be helpfull. Thanks again.
Thanks Brent! I'll be looking forward to it. Also can you measure the width of the cabin roof at the rear? Thanks!Hi
We had 94 2330 and will measure the cockpit tomorrow
Thanks again Brent! This will make my 3rd Parker! A 2520xl; a2830; and now a 2330. I'm a Parker addict for sure.84 inches aft at end of cabin roof and edge of overhang to other edge
Do you still have your 2830?Thanks again Brent! This will make my 3rd Parker! A 2520xl; a2830; and now a 2330. I'm a Parker addict for sure.
No, I sold it about a year agoDo you still have your 2830?