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  1. E

    18 CC or 18 SE ?

    Looks like some type of partial liner?. I see it only in the front. Looks really odd, with bumps and seam laps?. I’m sensing bayliner.
  2. E

    Jackplate on a 1801?

    Nice information and write up. A well performing boat that is balanced and predictable makes all the difference.
  3. E

    18 CC or 18 SE ?

    It looks like a classic mako 20’. It’s a good layout for a boat that size. I do not understand why they keep putting a livewell in the from seat of the console. No one uses it. It’s messy and out of the way. With the added beam the livewell should be part of the leaning post.
  4. E

    18 CC or 18 SE ?

    6” of added beam and more bow? Slightly taller console with electronic box. That’s the only logic I can see for that magnitude of added weight.
  5. E

    18 CC or 18 SE ?

    The Parker website is now showing an 18 SE that is slightly larger than the 18CC. It has more beam, length and much more weight. The draft also looks deeper. The dead rise ( at transom/ stern) looks identical between the two. Does anyone have any information on the new 18 SE? It is not a deep...
  6. E

    Is this a 23 se or 23 dv ?

    Haha, that’s the worst indicator and volume of fuel in a bilge I have ever heard of. I drained out 40 gallons and that was a nightmare. I smelled like gasoline for weeks.
  7. E

    Is this a 23 se or 23 dv ?

    Which year did Parker rebalance the the 23dv?
  8. E

    Is this a 23 se or 23 dv ?

    You are on borrowed time. Keep that boat high and dry when not in use.
  9. E

    Is this a 23 se or 23 dv ?

    Perfect. Thanks, I consider these boats a budget 23’ regulator.
  10. E

    Is this a 23 se or 23 dv ?

    Thank you. The deep Vee is what I want. An old gas tank is not what I want. I love recent repowers which then immediately go for sale. The ad for the boat lists the reason as “change of mind” or not using enough”. Sure. lol
  11. E

    2320 Parker leans to starboard side

    This is one of the best threads regarding Parker’s. Always extremely helpful. Also, I don’t like foam in boats unless it’s is 100% encapsulated. And I will never foam in a fuel tank.
  12. E

    Is this a 23 se or 23 dv ?

    Have you had the boat for some time ? You are happy with it?
  13. E

    Is this a 23 se or 23 dv ?

    I’d place it on a lift, probably a four bladed prop and a permatrim. Seems to be the norm. Regarding console access, yea it sucks. Try placing four batteries in a 17’ console, I’ve done it and it’s a contortionist event.
  14. E

    Is this a 23 se or 23 dv ?

    15-20 years seems to be the window where a depression in the factory foam which holds water will destroy the tank. I’ve seen it many times.
  15. E

    Is this a 23 se or 23 dv ?

    That’s what I thought. Thanks.
  16. E

    Is this a 23 se or 23 dv ?

    North Carolina. 59k
  17. E

    Is this a 23 se or 23 dv ?

    It has new power, but everything else looks original. It’s a 1998. Definitely new tank vintage. The current price is “elevated”. Time will tell.
  18. E

    New member with an ex-EPA 1700

    I’ve replaced my fuel tank on my 17 and added a bow rail. Next project is to raise the top of the transom sides so they align with the side gunnel cap. The transom is good and super solid, but every once in a while a bigger wave will soak my feet back there. They are great boats for trolling...
  19. E

    Is this a 23 se or 23 dv ?

    It’s for sale in NC. I think it has the original fuel tank. That’s the tough part.
  20. E

    Is this a 23 se or 23 dv ?

    Thanks, I’ve never seen an SE with an enclosed transom and bracket. But Parker has made a lot of boats.