2320 Parker leans to starboard side

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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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2009 2320 with bracket 250 Yamaha. Boat leans to starboard noticeably. Dual batteries in back . Owned 6 Parker’s never really had this issue. Assuming it’s weight distribution or something along those lines . Any help would be appreciated.
I would look carefully in every compartment for water. I’ve seen water accumulate just from washing. Is the boat kept in the watwr or a trailer? Is the list when running or static?
I would look carefully in every compartment for water. I’ve seen water accumulate just from washing. Is the boat kept in the watwr or a trailer? Is the list when running or static?
It’s just sitting at dock, and competent under deck filled with foam. Deck is rock solid so water isn’t getting under deck
If the deck is sealed, then that’s a big plus. I would look for any hose that may have a crack and are letting water in. Live well? Fresh water wash down? Also, do you smell or see any gas in the bilge? Also, I find that moving batteries or any weight possible
Forward helps.
I would try to quantify the amount of weight that it takes to make it sit level, say, sitting on the port gunwale. It would give you some ideas of the weight you are looking for. Closer to centerline would be take more weight for the same lean. I think that's right.
Empty the boat of everything heavy.
Get a $30 endoscope camera off Amazon and snoop around under the deck and transom.

Oh, and when you see hoofprints, look for the horse before you look for the zebra. Simple/most likely first IOW.
I am an guilty of going for the complicated fix too early.
My 2010 2320 also leans to the starboard sitting in the slip. I noticed this after I removed the fresh water tank from behind the bench seat. Now I'm thinking I should scope it. I like the zebra analogy.
Here is my saga. I would be in a permanent nose down position had I not wanted to send the anchor locker drain over board, on my new(then) 2019 2320.

I’m just confused, though if my boats leaning to the right, isn’t there all foam enclosed to the right starboard side the only place to really run a scope would be dead center. I’m not sure how I would get water trapped on starboard side of the boat. I think it’s all enclosed in foam.
Those foam filled compartments under the deck can hold a lot of water. The smallest crack or hole over time can accumulate. I replaced the deck in my 1996 21 DV. I was shocked to find the foam acts like a sponge. Im not sure why they dont use a better closed cell foam. They claim its closed cell but I think over the years it gets very brittle, and with all the stress and pounding these boats take, the foam breaks down. After I replaced all the wet foam I had a different boat.
I have a 2023 2320 and the first day I put it in my slip I noticed it was leaning to starboard. There are a lot of Parker 2320's in my harbor and all of them lean to starboard to varying degrees. It makes sense though. All my electronics, autopilot hydraulic cylinder, 2nd station are on the starboard side of the boat. Thats a lot of additional weight - compared to the port side.
Because it was a new boat, I had not filled the raw water washdown tank yet. Once I filled it, the boat sat almost perfectly level.

The picture below is with NO water in the raw water washdown tank. Clearly not level.

You probably already considered this but my point is that relatively small uneven weight distribution can make a big difference in balance on a boat this size.


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