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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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  1. S

    Top 10 Names for Boats in 2006

    Everyone asked me when I'm going to name mine and I tell them it's right there on the side of the boat. "PARKER"
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    Kicker Engine

    If you do a lot of trolling and you can troll with the kicker you can keep a lot of hours off the big motor. I have over 500 hours on my F225 and at least 1/2 are from trolling.
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    2006 23 SC

    That is a good deal. Anyone looking for 2510 so I can jump on this boat?
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    Kevin, If the ever ban planer boards around here, those things will sell like hot cakes. Anthony
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    Power for 2520XL

    Before I bought the boat I have, I check out another one that had the wrong capacity plate on the boat. The boat was a Mod V and it had the Deep V plate on the boat. If I remenber that mod v was rated for 500 hp or more. I think twin 225's would be plenty of power IMO. If it's only one 225 on a...
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    Yamaha unveils a 350 hp 5.3 litre V8 at the Miami Boat Show

    I guess the new Parker 32 SC will sport two of those babies. 50 grand for two engines is to rich for my blood, but there's plenty of people that will buy them.
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    I have seen these before and thought about buying the Chesapeake version for rockfish. Have you caught anything on them?
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    Happy Birthday ClassicParker!

    Thanks to everyone who started this site and keep it going. I hope it keeps going strong! Anthony
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    Going with 30 X 9 Bennett's

    In my opinion it is overkill, 24's are more than enough.
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    How did your boat get its name????

    28' Parker = Tina's Diamond II
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    21 cc project

    I have been looking for a project boat but that ain't it.
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    Capt. Kevin the photographer

    Went to the Timonium Boat show and picked up a Parker brochure and to my surprize the photo you took of my family at the raft up is in it. Here is the shot Kevin took. :D
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    new 2 me 25 Sportcabin - Resto Project

    You had some good weather to work on your new boat, it's looking good.
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    Trim Tab Question: 24X9 vs 24X12

    I put the 9 x 24 after talking to Kevin and Dale. I also talked to Tom at Bennett and he told me I could put the 12's on too but didn't think it was needed. By the way 12 x 24 didn't cost that much more. I searched on line for the best price and then went to West Marine where they matched the...
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    Tackle Storage

    I'm having a tackle storage problem on my 2510. Have drawn up plans for a tackle station and cut the plywood. Will take pics of the assembly and installation. It won't fit your model, but may give you some ideas. _________________ Porkchunker Take some good pics and notes, I could use...
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    Need opinions on the 23 SE sea keeping capabilities

    Sounds like you need the 23' Deep V to me. The 23' with a full transom. T-Top and a F250 would be a GREAT combination. Anyone know how much this boat would cost? I have a 2510 MV. The ride used to be pretty bad and I probably would have sold it this year but I put 9 x 24 Bennetts Tabs (Per...
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    Towing an over-width Parker (or any boat for that matter)

    Good information. Thanks for taking the time! Anthony
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    WATCH OUT for the new ethanol fuel in NE

    I ran the E-10 all year I didn't have any issues. My mechanic told me to replace the water separtor every 30 hours this year just for a check. Everything was OK.
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    Marina made a boo boo.

    My marina did come through, I picked up the new motor cover the other day. :D
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    That is a bargain. I had to buy one last year after someone hit and ran the front of mine. It was around $1000.00