How did your boat get its name????

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2006
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Solomons Island, MD
WRT "Tina's Diamond." At our 10th anniversary (vacation in N. Italy) I told my bride that if she stayed with me for another 10 years, I'd buy her the diamond of her choice. At the 19 year point, I was retiring from the Army, changing careers, and finishing up a Masters Degree in computer science. I was stressed and needed an outlet. Ended up buying the Parker. About a month after the boat was delivered, she commented that I no longer had the $$$ for her diamond. To which I responded..."of course I do" which she responded " you don't...I pay the bills..." :shock: :shock: :shock: I stammered and stuttered, did a tap-dance or two, and said "...why don't we call the boat "Tina's Diamond"..."? It stuck, and my bride is still with me 4.5 years later. Now I have to figure out how to make ammends for our 25th. :?: :?: :?
I have a son named Brennan and a daughter named Faith. Unfortunately my daughter Victoria is getting short changed but I have had the boat longer than her. We have thought about renaming the boat to "Chanticleer" because my wife and I met in college at Coastal Carolina Univ. However the B-Faithful name has stuck based on virtue. Victoria will have to just deal with it.
B-Faithful":2ypaj2xp said:
Victoria will have to just deal with it.

You could name the 'tender' after the little one. :wink:

I actually had the vinyl letters printed over the weekend for "The Black Crow". I'll get them on the boat as soon as it warms up. Funny story behind this. My father has been dead for nearly 18 years, but during his lifetime he limited my mothers buying to "just the necessities". Some reasonable time after his death, my mother decided she could indulge in a few things she had wanted for some time. On the top of the list, a full length fur coat. She bought it and brought it home, and as she came through the door, there was a black crow "caawing" in the tree looking directly at her as she walked in the house. Several other times, both when she purchased something out of the ordinary, and when me or my siblings have purchased something "extra", (like a Parker), we have had similar experiences with crows off in the distance watching us. He continues to keep an eye on us! So why not name the boat after him.
My wife, Sharon, wants me to share time between the boat and her. Sharin' Time is the boat's name. I thought it was original, at least.
Named it Emily Eve.

After my daughter. Was divorced for awhile and had older, cheaper boats a few years after being divorced. Picked up a one year old 25' Parker and figured I would reduce the chance of it getting back to her mother and wondering about more child support!

She lives out of state and came for a visit. Told her I had something different to show her. Had it in my driveway and she asked whose boat it was. Told her to walk around and look at the transom. She was 10 at the time.

She still visits on a rare occasion and couldn't care less about boating anymore. But, if I were to upgrade, I might still keep the name?!

very simple in my case.

pe·lag·ic [puh-laj-ik] (NOT puhl-AY-jik!!!!!)
–adjective 1. of or pertaining to the open seas or oceans.
2. living or growing at or near the surface of the ocean, far from land, as certain organisms.

hence, the name 8)
Esteemed fellow Parker owners;
The boat I had before my 2110 was affectionatly named Trailer Trash because that's what it was. I named my 2110 Blackheart because that's what I am :lol:
When I bought my previous boat (a Dusky) it was my intention to name it after my profession - I'm a career firefighter.

The day I went to pick up the Dusky at Backyard Boats, there were a pair of Chesapeake deadrise charter boats sitting on the hard getting ready for the season. One was "Backdraft", the other was "Flashover"...

I was heartbroken, as I thought I'd come up with a unique pair of names to choose from. :cry:

So... I went with my backup plan... Since I was the IT guy for my department, I picked "Megabyte".

The name stuck to me so well that when I bought the Parker, more people knew me by the boat name that my real name, so the name stuck with me! :)
Nana Too is the name of the boat. When I was about 4 years old, my father put a deposit on an 22 foot Mako. I was so excited! Dad took mom and the grandparents to see the boat and they said NO WAY. Everyone felt the freeboard on the boat was too low for little kids like me. My grandmother (Nana) found the next boat for us and thus the name. That name has been on several boats over the years. Nana and Pop fished with us until their late 80's. When my father and I went to purchase the Parker as partners in 1998 we decided to name the boat "Split Decision", until I decided I cound not bear to change the name. My grandparents seemed pleased that the name was kept. Although they are no longer with us their spirit is alway with me, especially on the water.
The public ramp I use, my favorite breakfast hang-out, and a small rental house I own are all guessed it...Fishfactory Rd.

Used to be a menhaden plant at the end of the road. Now it's an "up-scale" condo project. :(
My wife is a huge Rolling Stones fan and I love to Grouper fish....since I own a pilothouse boat and Grouper seek shelter when hooked, I decided to merge the two. I asked my brother to draw a grouper with Mick Jagger's lips and tongue... Gimme Shelter...
Gimme Shelter":c3erh0ve said:
My wife is a huge Rolling Stones fan and I love to Grouper fish....since I own a pilothouse boat and Grouper seek shelter when hooked, I decided to merge the two. I asked my brother to draw a grouper with Mick Jagger's lips and tongue... Gimme Shelter...

Priceless !
Both me and the wife have Irish in the blood. You know Irish Eyes are always smiling...needed it nautical...hense...IrishAyes...Yes!