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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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    2023 Yamaha F150XB - Optional water pressure sensor

    As long as your NMEA2000 is proper and the engine harness is fitted to the sensor.
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    New Member

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    Interior Parker 2320 Crack (1997 Hull)

    I wonder if it was caulked up because they kept losing stuff in there.
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    Parker 26cc New boat

    Welcome to CP. Can we see it?
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    Radar Question - necessity of a pedestal?

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    Cleaning up the rat's nest at the helm. Looking for photos/examples...

    I also give them a 180 after trimming, just looks better. or at least line them up. Sorry, Just a peeve of mine.
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    Where to get a rocket launcher?

    Craigslist always has something available.
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    New to ClassicParker

    Welcome. Spring can't come soon enough!
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    Parker sticker

    Become a supporting member.
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    Yamaha Engine Stuck in Down Position

    My yamaha has an emergency release for situations like this. I make sure to exercise this valve every year.
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    2820 fuel tank being pulled

    Those hoses are ready for the museum.
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    Hidden hull ID number on Parker ???

    You mean other than the one on the transom?
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    2820 fuel tank being pulled

    no need for the power washer now just pull out the foam by hand or use a scraper/shovel
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    2820 fuel tank being pulled

    Nice. IT helps when you have the right tool (boom truck/crane)
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    2820 fuel tank being pulled

    Power-washer next to remove the foam?
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    2820 fuel tank being pulled

    Thats gonna be a sucky job. Following.
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    1997 2520 Sport Cabin Modified V with a 200hp Mercury?

    not to mention the resale value will take a hit if you ever decide to
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    New member from south jersey

    Welcome. 18' to 22' is a nice upgrade. I also went up to a 22' (not a Parker) but I can't bring myself to sell the 18'.
  19. T

    Boat For Sale 2001 PARKER 1801 FOR SALE WITH 2022 YAMAHA 115

    That is one clean vessel. Mine looks that clean twice a year.