You HAVE to watch this, #6 and #1 Blue Angels are soooooooooooooooooo close to the water that the jet exhaust or the jet 'punching' through the air leaves a wake!
fly bys are great if you know they are coming. thought i would share another experience that i can now laugh about.
..............coming back from a Med cruise in the late 80s our carrier had already allowed all aircraft to fly off to go home since we were within 200 miles of US mainland. however one helicopter has to stay on board to fly starboard delta during the "manning of the rails" as the ship enters port.
my pilot and i had just opened the hatch to exit the rear of the island so we could preflight our helicopter which was parked in the trash (area behind the island). just as we were beginning to turn around to dog the hatch we caught a glimpse of an F14 wingtip traveling down the flight deck about 20 ft to our left. only problem was there was no sound associated with the fly by.
unknown to us, the air boss had given permission to an F14 out of Oceana to do a low pass down our empty flight deck. the guy came through super sonic. once we saw the plane go by, my pilot and i glanced at each other and winced because we knew what was coming next. we were both lifted off our feet about 3 feet in the air and slammed into the bulkhead of the island. two windows and the cargo door of our helicopter were torn off and fell overboard into the water. a fly by we will never forget. lol
The Blue Angels fly over the Naval Academy every year during commissioning week.
You have to know that there is a bit of 'showing off' for their shipmates, and future shipmates, but it is all good!
Here comes Fat Albert!
And the flight...
There is no way that my old digital camera can properly capture these birds in flight, but I always try!
Anchoring in the middle of the Severn River as the Blue Angels fly overhead is always a special treat.