1988 18 Parker

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Nov 19, 2014
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Hey guys, newbie here has a question on the value of a 1988 18 project. Looks pretty clean but may need floors. boat has no motor and no rigging but has the console. any ideas on what it is worth?
Is there a trailer with it? If there is no trailer I wouldn't pay more than $1200 for it. You will spend about $2k on the new deck, stringers and tank. At that age all of these will need replacing if the deck is rotted. Check out my 21 Rehab sticky on the project page. With a decent trailer add $500 unless it is aluminum and looks good. Figure that age hull rebuilt with a 115 yamaha 2 stroke and trailer you could get about $6500 for it. So for the math: project hull and trailer $1700, all materials to rebuild $2000, used 115 $2500 = $6200. Your labor is not considered of any value in the calculation. If your goal is to have a nice boat to use yourself this may be doable, but if you plan on rebuilding to resell this is a tough one to make much on.
Sounds like you are buying a hull. If you have the skills, time and patience to do a quality rebuild, I would offer $1000 to $1500 and get after it. You would end up with a nice, useable skiff for not too much money. But be realistic… if you do not have the tine (and skills) to rebuild you have wasted money or bought a yard decoration.
Thanks for the replies - great insight! I have a 2003 115 Johnson that I bought new in 2005 and have been searching for a worthy hull to put it on. While I am not thinking about this purely form a resale perspective, it will matter when I am done with the boat. I have some skills and I've rebuilt and re-rigged dozens of boats, so that's no issue for me, but i would need to sub out the deck refinish. I plan to use if for a couple of years and then upgrade to bigger boat. Parkers have always had a great reputation so from that perspective they have always on my short list along with a BW Montauk and the later model Mako 171.
You will spend about $2k on the new deck, stringers and tank.

Not familiar with that boat specifically....but alum tanks run on the cheap side to have built $10 a gal. Your estimate sounds way under the actual cost to do it himself.
seano":2u48ozr7 said:
Thanks for the replies - great insight! I have a 2003 115 Johnson that I bought new in 2005 and have been searching for a worthy hull to put it on. While I am not thinking about this purely form a resale perspective, it will matter when I am done with the boat. I have some skills and I've rebuilt and re-rigged dozens of boats, so that's no issue for me, but i would need to sub out the deck refinish. I plan to use if for a couple of years and then upgrade to bigger boat. Parkers have always had a great reputation so from that perspective they have always on my short list along with a BW Montauk and the later model Mako 171.

I looked at a lot of skiffs before buying my 18' Parker. The 17' Whaler is a pretty durable boat, but it's wet and there is not nearly as much useable fishing space as the Parker 18. The Parker is also a heavier boat, which translates to a better ride. For me, the choice came down to either a Jones Bros. or a Parker.

I've had my Parker for a few years now, and have caught striped bass, LM bass, bottom fish, ling cod, halibut, amberjack, rooster fish, albacore, and marlin with this boat. I have a hard time imagining a better boat. Tough as nails and well behaved on the water.

I have a Yamaha 115 4S pushing my boat. Getting about 38 mph at 5800 rpm. I think the 115 Johnson would be perfect.

I think, considering the high resale prices on a finished boat, you would do OK with your project.
The 1988 18' hull, depending on specific model has either a 40 or 55 gallon belly tank made by RDS. You should be able to get a plastic molded replacement tank for around $350. If you go with AL it will be closer to $700. I think my estimate to replace the deck, stringers and tank is pretty close. I have done this a few times and as long as you stay with Polyester resin you will be on budget. Why would you sub out the finish. After doing all the hard work with glass rolling gel coat is a piece of cake. Do a little research on it. Where are you located?
I have a very clean 1989 18 w/115 2 stroke listed on this site ,if there is any interest.
[email protected] I will bump ad to make it easier to find