2000 Parker 21se Rehab Project Help

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2014
Reaction score
Annapolis, MD
Re my 2000 Parker 21se Rehab Project. Health issue will keep me off the water for the better part of 2020 so I'd like to take the time to have my Parker gone over and updated. I originally thought I'd start by having the fuel tank pressure tested but after conversation with Parker and their opinion that the fuel tank should not be a concern unless I have some reason to believe that it's been some how damaged, I'm leaning towards not bothering. The boat needs electrical review and rewiring (previous owner had wires running all over the place and the console pipe is jammed tight :shock:), some fiberglass work both inside and out (nothing extensive), new rub rail, new 2020 Parker leaning Post, new console (I have pricing for both the console and leaning post), new Electronics installed and a paint job or a Wrap (I'm leaning Wrap). There are a bunch of other easy fixes like new pull up cleats (the spring type I have are touchy to say the least) etc.
What I'm in need of is recommendations/referrals from the group on who and where I can perhaps get this work done hopefully by a single shop. I'm in Annapolis, MD.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. This has been a long time commin!
I can do it......But I guess you know.....Your talking about spending some serious Coin!
If I can keep it under 15 to 20K I’m good not including new MFD’s. Are you thinking that amount is low? I’m not in a hurry to tow to Fla but I’ll keep you in mind is someone more local doesn’t show up. Thank you.
Fuel tank pressurizing in a boat.

It's damn near impossible.....So lets say you do it and you have a leak.....How ya gonna find the leak?

Is it the tank? Hose connection? sender gasket?

Just getting a tank sealed is a Major deal. Only way to truly test it....is remove the tank.

The boat needs electrical review and rewiring (previous owner had wires running all over the place and the console pipe is jammed tight

That's wide open too. 10min of looking at it will not tell the whole or true story.

The fact that the rigging tube is slap full says PITA to me.....It could be that PO never removed some old wiring and it's just taking up space? I try to remove all old wiring and get the dead weight out of there...Sometimes you can't. Like when the factory tapes it all together and pulls it thru.

Cost.....? $5K to $12K just depends....It's time and materials.

Painting......It's been a while since I've kept my thumb on the pulse out there.... But use to be $150ft. That would not be for a pilothouse. A LOT more work there.

I don't usually paint for other people....I paint my own....but I'm not totally set up for it.