Installing a 36v 72 in. Minn Kota on a 2300 with a pulpit

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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2020
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No bow rails. Does anyone have pictures of how these were installed? The pulpit with windlass seems to create issues.
I'd install it on the transom especially with a 72" motor

72" won't be long enough on a 23. Mount it directly to the motor bracket platform.

Thanks for that video!!! I have a 2300 with motor on bracket. I want to add a trolling motor but she has bow rail with pulpit. This looks like a great option. I would love to hear opinions on this trolling motor location. Thanks in advance
I would think that if the TM is stern mounted the TM would always try to place the stern against the current. The current would push against the width of the transom and magnify the current force as opposed to the bow slicing through the current (as with a bow mounted TM). Just does not seem to make sense to mount it on the stern if you fish anywhere that has a medium to strong current. Just think how hard it is to back down against a strong current and keep the boat moving in a straight line. Asking alot for a TM.
I would think that if the TM is stern mounted the TM would always try to place the stern against the current. The current would push against the width of the transom and magnify the current force as opposed to the bow slicing through the current (as with a bow mounted TM). Just does not seem to make sense to mount it on the stern if you fish anywhere that has a medium to strong current. Just think how hard it is to back down against a strong current and keep the boat moving in a straight line. Asking alot for a TM.
Very good point. Thanks
No bow rails. Does anyone have pictures of how these were installed? The pulpit with windlass seems to create issues.
I have a new 2300 w Rhodan. I do not have bow rails or pulpit. Min you need 87 if bow mounting. Depends on where you fish. If your in small body of water I guess the stern mount would work. The video talks about backing into wind and waves. That seems scary if you fish in the ocean. Why they tell you never anchor from the stern. Cut the rail is what I would do.
Like shown in the video (in the Gulf of Mexico) using Parkers natural drift characteristics we drift fish ass into the wind with the motors being bumped in and out of reverse to try to hold the boat over the spot or line of drift. Holding the boat in place with the TM spot lock function or the engines the boat doesn't know the difference.

Anchoring from the stern is essentially a no no because in rough or otherwise poor conditions the stern can be pulled under. With a TM using spot lock the boat is not actually attached to the bottom.......not going to be an issued.

Personal choice I guess. For me the only use of the TM would be spot lock. Regardless of what the current trend is I don't want to be looking an 87" trolling motor on the bow of my offshore boat. Mine will be tucked away out of sight on the swim platform........and it will be much shorter.
I'm not knocking it, but a stern mounted trolling motor seems like it would not be very practical if your boat has forward seating, being that you would be fishing down current on the bow. Also, in current, that poor motor is going to be struggling to keep up stern first, and that doesn't even get into the fact that the entire unit would be occasionally submerged as the 2300 bracket sits pretty low in the water.

I guess it works for other people though.
72-In Rodan pulpit mounted on my 1993 2520. Went that length so it could fold straight back and not hit the cabin. Only time the prop comes out of the water is on really snotty days on the Chesapeake Bay.
Capt Bull. Did you Mount that yourself? We have a 2520 and eventually would love to have a TM off the Pulpit but spacing is tight. Would love to pick your brain in the future of how you went about the entire process.
Capt Bull. Did you Mount that yourself? We have a 2520 and eventually would love to have a TM off the Pulpit but spacing is tight. Would love to pick your brain in the future of how you went about the entire process.
Yes sir, I mounted it myself. Had to put some nylon spacers on the front to level out the 1/2-in aluminum mounting plate. I can't remember the size bolts I used offhand, but my mentality is overkill is underrated. Raising and lowering it is no problem even going underneath the bow rails.
I just put a Minnkota on my 2520 myself and love it, I have the template used to cut the aluminum mounting bracket if you are interested. Call me 863-944-8466 and I can send pictures. I used 3/8 bolts.