I searched this forum and found out how to install 2, 30-degree rod holders on my FWD washboard. Used a 2 X 4 wedge at 30 degrees with a 1/4 inch pilot hole. Purchased a Ingersoll-Rand 2" hole saw that is about 4" long, you'll need that length as the wash board is 1" thick (do the geometry). Set the template (2 X 4 wedge) drilled the 1/4" pilot hole through wash board. Inserted 1/4" drill in hole-saw with shank on outside so it would guide the hole saw as opposed to cutting more material from wash board. Cut the hole, use rod older as hole template for mounting screws, apply resin inside of hole & screw holes, insert rod holder, insert screws. You're done! The sucky part was I put this job off too long and couldn't find any holders with "Parker" stamped in them. I did use what Parker was using at the time (4 or 5 years ago) though! Good luck!