Lenco actuator replacement

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Dec 6, 2023
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Rhode Island
I'm trying to replace the Lenco actuators on my 2003 2520 and the wire feeds through the transom below the deck. What is the procedure for this? The wires are not accessible as far as I can tell. They are below deck outside of the stringers.
I'd like to have a plan before I start tearing things apart.
Any advice is appreciated.
Locate and disconnect the deutsch connector. Release and remove the pins. Attach a pull line to the cable. Pull the cable out from the transom and use the pull line to draw the new cable back in. Reinstall the deutsch connector and reconnect to the other cable.
I replaced my Lenco actuators on my 2004 2120. The original wiring in the boat didn't have a deutsch connector, it was one cable.

I replaced the actuators without replacing that cable. There is a lot of caulking on the cable as it runs thru the transom which will hold it tight. The hole for the cable runs in an upward direction going from outside to inside the transom. I needed to remove the caulking from the cable and the hole. Once that was done the cable slides easily thru the hole. I had plenty of extra cable inside the transom. I added new wiring connectors to the cable.

Since that time I've gotten an endoscopy camera, I think from Amazon. That would have been a great help to see what the cable on the inside of the transom looks like.
Thanks for the input. I don't think I have connectors, I couldn't find any so I'm assuming it's a straight wire. Good idea on the scoping I'll try that. there's a drain hole in the compartment under the seat; I should be able to get in there.