2120 Ride Question

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Jul 23, 2011
Reaction score
San Carlos, Ca.
Love reading the forums, even though I'm not a Parker owner yet. I'm looking at a 2007 2120 with a 200HP Yamaha. My question to you Parker owners....Does the boat ride wet? My current 22' center console has a notched transom, I am TIRED of having wet feet!!!! I understand that under power, no problem. But when drifting with a little slop at your stern, does the deck become a waterpark? Thanks for the help, I know, just go sea trial it and find out.
The answer is "it depends". I have a 2120 with a 150 HP Yamaha. I usually got out with the wife and I've never had an issue. A couple of weeks ago I was out with 3 "big" guys and a full tank of fuel. We had water in the deck area (a couple of inches) for most of the day.

Bottom line is it depends on how much you area carrying. I don't find it a big issue in July but it would be a problem in January. I love my 2120 though.

x2 on what Luv2fish said.
I have 2120 with a large bait tank and a F225 on the stern and the scuppers can dip below the waterline if the gas and bait tank are full and a couple large guys are fishing off the stern.
Otherwise, she'll ride dry. I was dead set on getting a 2320 with full transom until I took a fishing trip on a buddy's 2120. The notched transom was never a problem with swells off the stern.
She'd just ride over the waves and the transom notch always stayed above the waves and waterline. No regrets for me with getting the notched transom. I can fish around the engine much
easier than if it was way out on a bracket, and handling is much better for docking and tight maneuvering.
rloomis":1zjev9yt said:
x2 on what Luv2fish said.
I have 2120 with a large bait tank and a F225 on the stern and the scuppers can dip below the waterline if the gas and bait tank are full and a couple large guys are fishing off the stern.
Otherwise, she'll ride dry. I was dead set on getting a 2320 with full transom until I took a fishing trip on a buddy's 2120. The notched transom was never a problem with swells off the stern.
She'd just ride over the waves and the transom notch always stayed above the waves and waterline. No regrets for me with getting the notched transom. I can fish around the engine much
easier than if it was way out on a bracket, and handling is much better for docking and tight maneuvering.

I would say the same..
I do fish early spring late fall
I dive mostly off my boat
2 guys gear no problem
3 guys gear flat seas no problem
4 guys water lapping up in the back some inch or two
I use Dri-Deck it helps in those times
Have had the boat new since 2003 Love it !
Would like the 2320 though for the room and boxes in transom
I have the 2320sl 2011 4guys, 100gal fuel, ice in the transom cooler, 225 4s, 9.9 4s, kicker never had a problem. I have a single 150gal fuel tank no bait tank