In January of 1989, my father and I purchased our 1989 Parker 25' Sport Cabin from Carson's Marine in Crisfield, MD. The purchase price with a 200HP Johnson was $25,000. This 36 year old Parker has served our family well and continues to help put fish in the box. The vessel has been re-powered several times throughout the years. Last winter the boat underwent some significant upgrades. The major focus of the upgrades focused on the installation of a new fuel tank, closing in the transom and installing a bracket to support a 300HP Suzuki. The hull was also painted with Awlgrip in the color "Claret". This winter the boat is again in the shop having the topside repainted and some structural repairs on the bow being addressed. As a long time Parker owner, I can speak to the outstanding quality of these boats and hope that everyone out there on the water enjoys their Parker as much as my family and I have, and continue to do so.
(Rollthatcoal, thank you for starting this post.)
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