2300 DV CC Gas Burn

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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2011
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My wife and I just bought a 2300 cc, with a 250 Yamaha. If anyone has a similar setup, can you share your gas burn info? Hoping for real world info, you know, loaded with ice, gear, 3 people. Thanks in advance, cycler...if it matters, both hull and motor are 2009.
Congrats on the new rig,You will love that boat!!!! my boat has a 225 yamaha fuel injected 2 stroke engine.Loaded with 4 people ice and full of fuel at 4400-4600 I get 1.25 to 1.50 mpg.Assuming you have a four stroke I would say you are closer to 2-2.5 mpg.Hope this helps. good luck, Kevin
congrats on the new ride, you'll love it.
Nothing too accurate but I get 8.9 gph at 4100 rpm (on plane) with 1/2 tank and just me and gear.on board.
3 adults and bait, cooler, fishing gear I'll need to get to about 43/4400 and will be at 9.3 gph burn to be on plane.
This same set up late in season with lots of mossy bottom I'll need to get to about 4500 and to burn is at 10.soomething gph
no wake and trolling is 0.5-6 gph burn.
Overall I find the 250 on this boat very efficiently powered light or heavy load. The well HP' engine might be a little big when traveling light but then there is little difference when loaded up.
POGE":6n16rkyz said:
pictures please 8)

First off, thanks for the information. Most of the time, it will be just my wife and I, or one other person. As far as pics, won't be able to take any until spring. We bought her the end of Sept., and I am currently working 7/12s, and will be doing this until at least Thanksgiving. We are in a refueling/maintenance outage at work, and I had a very small window to buy this boat, and travel to Virginia, bring her back to NJ. Went straight to the marina where we will dock her, and had her winterized/shrink wrapped. We go through this scenario every 20 months of so at work, and unfortunately, they come during the fall.

Did you get to use the boat at all ?? I have same set up but its a 2006,I strongly recomend bigger trim tabs (if they still use the OEM 12x12),I went with 12x18's as it rides can of Bow high with the 12x12,the 12x18's did the trick,also I changed to a 4 bladed prop which help in lifting the stern as she rides stern heavy with the OEM prop.

Nope, didn't get a chance to splash her yet. Excluding sea trial. I had been watching this particular boat for over a month, and when the price dropped, went in with an offer. Knew that I wouldn't be using her this fall, but, figured it was probably the nicest cc I could afford, and wanting a Parker, took the plunge. The real experience for me was the trailering back from Virginia, but, all went well.
I just bought a 2310 from Virginia also about 2 months ago. From what I have read they are basically the same hull. So far I can get between 2.0 and 3.0 mpg depending on load. Actually real surprised about how efficient it is and I am pretty sure the 2310 weighs more. Therefore you should be real pleased with the performance numbers. Can get about 45 mph top end. These are the numbers I was getting last week.
Good luck with the 2310, and thanks for the info.