Where do you guys run that you’re able to use these top end speeds? I just finished my 14th season with a Parker 2520XL (mod-v). I ran with a Yamaha F225 for 12 years and that wasn’t enough engine for the boat. I just finished my second season with a Suzuki DF300APXX and as far as I am concerned it’s the perfect engine for my boat. Boat jumps on plane at seemingly any weight, full fuel tank, 2 guys , 3 guys, big coolers, doesn’t matter just goes. Never feel underpowered in big seas when needing to power up to pull the boat out of a trough. Honestly seems like the perfect fit.
I can get 35kts at WOT but being 100% honest, I don’t get sea conditions 5% of the time that allow me to cruise out of the 20s, where you guys running that allows you to go so fast?