2510 MV Fuel Tank issue - short on fuel

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Jun 20, 2012
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Ever since I bought the boat new in 2001 (it's a 2002 2510 MVWA) i have never been able to get more than 80 gals of usable fuel out of her. The tank is listed as 126 gals. I called the factory back in '02 (after running out of gas twice - FlowScan was saying I had at least 40 gals left) and they thought my pickup tube might be short. I checked it and it was to factory spec (12 or 13", can't remember now). The dealer had no idea. After some time I just accepted that I had 80 gals. Understand, I can't put more than 80 gals into her when she is "out".

So I just joined Classic Parker and am throwing this out there. Any one else had/has this problem. One recent thought i had: the vent pipe might be too long (going too far into the tank, preventing me from filling more than 80 gals). Only thing is, it is welded into the tank and there is no way to check it.

Feedback please ...
Mike Z
Man... if there was a way to do it, I'd give you one of my tanks.

The person who originally ordered my boat (from a dealer in DE) must have planned to fish the offshore Delmarva canyons because mine has 3 tanks.
Main tank is 127 gal, and the two wing tanks are 47 gal each.
The guy who ordered the boat never took delivery, and it was eventually bought by the guy that I bought it from.

Tri-State Marine in Deale has worked on my boat, and they tell me they have never seen another 2520 with three tanks.

I know why. When I first bought the boat, I filled all three tanks.
221 gallons of fuel is a lot of weight for a 225 hp OX66 to get onto plane. :shock:

Since that experience, I only fill and use the main tank. The two wing tanks have gone unused since that first fill-up.
Someday, I'd love to cut the deck and remove those two wing tanks and the associated piping.
I'd bet that would take a good bit of unused and un-needed weight out of her. :wink:
I got my 2510 from Tri-State - ordered it to my specs from the factory. But they had no clue why I was fuel limited. Mind you, 80 gals is about 240 miles of range - so it's not a deal killer - just frustrating when i think about it (which at this time, 10 yrs later, is not too often).

My biggest disappointment is that Parker did not offer a live well back then. I understand they offer something under the seat compartment now. Have you added a live well? :?:
MikeZ":3k8jlr94 said:
Have you added a live well? :?:

I have not, tho I'm considering installing a portable tank so I can live-line this summer.
I would probably just sit it on the swim platform and use my raw water wash down to power it.
Having it on the swim platform would let me just let the overflow go overboard.
My live well is mounted on the deck and I use the washdown pump to supply it. The overflow is run overboard through a hose in the transom notch. Work well.
If the tank has a sticker on it then contact tank company with the model and serial # to check their records.

If the tank has a second fuel pickup port, I would pull it b/c usually there is no fuel line attached to it and easy to remove if you have good accces, then measure the depth with dowell rod just to double check it.
m2cw is the fuel pickup is too short.
Pickup too short was the factory's first guess but I pulled it, measured it and it met spec.
Capt Kevin:
Your solution for the livewell is exactly what did too. It works but gets in the way sometimes.
good idea - the sticker is still there (it does say 126 gal) - will check any way.
Megabyte, I have the same set up on my 2520. Three tanks, 126 down the middle and two 47s on the sides. However, I don't fill the center tank. I run on the two saddle tanks. Figure if I get a bad batch of fuel or water in a tank I will have use of the other tank to get me back.
Interesting. I guess that means there may be more of us out here. :)
Years ago, I found out the hard way that the fuel switch in the rear has 4 positions, and not just 3.
Port, Main, Starboard, and OFF.

That was an embarrassing lesson.
Megabyte":2xsuwc1z said:
Interesting. I guess that means there may be more of us out here. :)
Years ago, I found out the hard way that the fuel switch in the rear has 4 positions, and not just 3.
Port, Main, Starboard, and OFF.

That was an embarrassing lesson.

Too funny. I always wondered if the down position would shut the fuel off, just never tried it. :lol: