I think the 23 is an excellent boat. It has many great points.
Mine is rigged with many extras, including a 50 gallon bait tank, 15 rocket launchers on the hard top, full set of Garmin Electronics including the reactor AP and V2 pump…I really like the AP

Seaspension seats, and all kind of goodies.
The second station is great to jockey the boat forward or aft, but the wheel is low so not that good to drive while on step.
Has a huge fish deck. It’s a great little fish killer, and fishes 2-4 great.
The Yamaha 300 is perfect power.
The hull can handle a lot of water and is very solid, almost to point where I think there is almost no flex.
When you really understand Parker and the box grid stringer system, and how everything is engineered, the boat is a little tank.
It does ride on the rough side but I have upgraded to 12x18 tabs, and permatrim.
I will say the 25 is a lot more boat and really in a different class, so the comparison between the 23 and 25 is more apple to oranges.
The cons to the 23 is the cabin is small and low, it does make for a good center of gravity and makes the boat more stable. But for the unaware it can I cause injury. The cabin is a bit of a turnoff for some.
The 23 won’t come in twins, but Parker understands their customer base so it’s priced appropriately.
The fish box could be better but I run 2 kill bags.
All and all I think it’s a awesome fish boat. But more of a hardcore boat.
If headspace, overnighting, etc are part of the priority then 25 would probably be a better fit.