Dale - Please stop trashing the Yammie 250 4 stroke, it is a GREAT engine. Throw in the Yamaha dealer network and it is an absolute home run.
I repowered my 2520DVSC with a F250 Yamaha (four stroke). My top end is identicle to the CARBED Yamaha 250 I replaced. I repeat, top speed is identical. Therefore, HP at WOT is identical.
Every gas dock I know on Long Island sells 89 octane fuel, which is MID, not HIGH octane fuel. My F250 has only been run on 89 octane fuel, as was my carbed 250, that is all that's available.
Did I mention the top speed of the F250 is identical to the carbed 250 I replaced

Now, consider the fact that this engine burns about 30% less fuel than the carbed 250 I replaced. 30%, WOW
Consider the fact that I don't know what the exhaust from this engine smells like (because you can't smell it).
Consider the fact that it is the smoothest and quietest engine everyone who comes on my boat has ever heard.
Consider the fact that I, like so many owners of this particular engine are extremely happy with their selection of a really good product, from a really good company.
Don't confuse the F250 with the F225 which is in fact deficient in HP (at one time anyway).
Many good choices today, don't sell Yamaha short, besides they belong on a Parker and will have a positive effect on the resale value.
The Zuke costs more, the dealer network where I live sucks, and there is really no way to justify considering one over a Yamaha, IMO. So, why is the Suzuki 250 better than the Yamaha 250 ? Somebody show me some hard facts, I'll show you mine.
Optimax, cheap to buy, but please. They finally have them running good, but why go back to the dark ages of noise, exhaust, and oil ?
E-TEC a maybe, the jury is still out on this one. Again, if they were better wouldn't our favorite boat company sell them with E-TECS ?
In fact, name a quality builder who rigs with E-TEC out the door ? I'm curious ??
The Suzuki 300 was an interesting choice for my repower, but I couldn't wait (the engine wasn't available) , again the dealers in my area don't cut it for me, and the money, ooffaa. There is a least one post on this board where the Zuke 300 numbers were very disappointing.
Can't wait to see the perf numbers for a 2520DVSC with a Yamie F350 :shock: .
Good luck, like I said, lots of good choices these days, but do consider Yamaha, they take a back seat to no one, all things considered.