4200 out of non-skid

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Well-known member
May 20, 2008
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Raleigh/Atlantic Beach NC
OK, I've made a fatal mistake. I've gotten 4200 on my non-skid that also now has some ground in dirt in the mix. I've tried bleach, soft scrub, and BKF (not mixed of course) to no avail.

How can I get it up?
Prior to curing, mineral spirits and a zillion paper towels are the trick. Once cured however, the only solvent I know made for polysulfide sealants is Anti-Bond 2015 made by JWB Environmental, sold at marine stores for $12.


I myself would try a 'mechanical' removal first, by using a plastic scrub brush and a mix of 50/50 bleach and water. Wet it well and allow to soak in for a good 10 to 15 minutes or more, but WATCH it so the bleach mix doesn't dye that part of the hull lighter (or wet out twice).

Hmmmmmmmmmm ... I have never tried naptha or lighter fluid for Ronsonal lighters, that usually works on odd stuff.
In my experience, 4200 laughs at acetone! We call it "42 billion" for the number of years it takes to break down.
Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:54 am Post subject:


In my experience, 4200 laughs at acetone! We call it "42 billion" for the number of years it takes to break down. Or a pressure washer.