The last addition before all the cutting began was the repower. The Yam 250 spun a bearing at around 1400 hours, and I had some cracks in the stainless T-top frame that contributed to some moisture getting into the floor. After putting around 1200 hours of sea time on this boat it was time to either sell for an upgrade, or build something that checked as many boxes as possible for my needs. A Suzuki DF300 was bought, and my hatred of spare time began. Stringers were replaced and are one continuous board from the transom forward. New fuel tank box was glassed in, and a new aluminum tank was welded up to fit. Tank is 116 gallons which replaced the old 150gal tank. I had to sacrifice some fuel capacity to get the desired console space. The larger the rigging tube runs from inside the center console, and the smaller rigging tub is for the fuel line from the tank pickup to the motor.