For anyone who has ever worked a boat show for a small business... it's a pretty intense four days. :shock:
I was representing BOE marine at the 'demo dock' with a brand new, right off the line 19' skiff with a motor that was brand new to me.
The boat was a 19'
Savannah Skiff that I got to see on the first day of the show when it was delivered to the dock by water. ... skiff.html
Options on this particular boat were a 150 hp Tohatsu outboard with a SS prop, hydraulic steering, a leaning post, and a telescoping swim ladder.
List price with options was $31,525.00 and the 'show price' was $27,000.00
First impression... nice Skiff.
Builder is MHM Marine of Bladenboro, NC and according to my sources, they build for several other brands including McKee Craft.
The selection of a 150 on this hull was a bit of overkill as the recommended motor on this hull is a 90 with a 115 as an option, but this little 1600 pound skiff absolutely would *fly* with the 150.
After doing a bit of research, I found that Tohatsu has an agreement with Honda... Pull the hat off of a 90 hp to a 250 hp Tohatsu, and you will find a Honda motor underneath. 8)
I had fun with this thing all weekend.
She isn't a boat I'd want to take out in the open Chesapeake Bay on a SCW day, but with a 7" draft, she would be money in the inland bays, rivers, and creeks throwing topwater plugs or fly fishing.