Annapolis Boat Show 2014

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2006
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Lewes, DE
Anyone attending the Annapolis Boat Show this weekend (Oct 16 thru 19th), I will be representing for BOE Marine at the show.

Kind of a last minute deal, but I will be showing one of these 19' skiffs during the show. ... skiff.html

Don't know if I will be in the water or on land (yet), but if you will be attending the show, look me up!
When I have more details about where I will be at the show, I'll share. :D
I may be there on Thursday or Friday for a bit trying to not to let Bill talk me into building me a charter version of his 36 with outboards. I will swing over and catch up to you.
Looks like I will be in the water at the 'demo dock'.
It's gonna be a long weekend. :shock:
"Demo dock???". does that mean you are doing sea trials? No pain killers for you Capt Kevin :lol:
For anyone who has ever worked a boat show for a small business... it's a pretty intense four days. :shock:

I was representing BOE marine at the 'demo dock' with a brand new, right off the line 19' skiff with a motor that was brand new to me.
The boat was a 19' Savannah Skiff that I got to see on the first day of the show when it was delivered to the dock by water. ... skiff.html

Options on this particular boat were a 150 hp Tohatsu outboard with a SS prop, hydraulic steering, a leaning post, and a telescoping swim ladder.
List price with options was $31,525.00 and the 'show price' was $27,000.00

First impression... nice Skiff.
Builder is MHM Marine of Bladenboro, NC and according to my sources, they build for several other brands including McKee Craft.

The selection of a 150 on this hull was a bit of overkill as the recommended motor on this hull is a 90 with a 115 as an option, but this little 1600 pound skiff absolutely would *fly* with the 150.
After doing a bit of research, I found that Tohatsu has an agreement with Honda... Pull the hat off of a 90 hp to a 250 hp Tohatsu, and you will find a Honda motor underneath. 8)

I had fun with this thing all weekend.
She isn't a boat I'd want to take out in the open Chesapeake Bay on a SCW day, but with a 7" draft, she would be money in the inland bays, rivers, and creeks throwing topwater plugs or fly fishing.



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This is called "product placement" in the industry. :D


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My 'slip neighbor'.
It is a quadski... An amphibious quad, or a jet ski with wheels. Whatever you prefer. :)

Powered by a 4 cyl, 1300 cc BMW motor, it can do 45 mph on both land and water.


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How about a 1/2 pound hot dog (with a bite out of it). :D


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Tri-State Marine had a bunch of Parkers in-water, and on land.
In the water were a 2820, a 2520, a 2320, and a colored hull 2120.
On land (not shown) were a bunch of Skittles... a yellow 18CC, a green 21CC, and a blue 23CC.


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And a few other interesting (to me) boats at the show.


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And finally... this Parker seen at the 'dingy dock'.


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Nice pics Capt Kevin. Thanks for sharing. I can't imagine the nightmare that car/ski thing would be in on bearings and breaks etc in salt water? Love going to boat shows. It's like candy land for boaters. My checking account is just never big enough to take anything home with me. Lots of window shopping. :D
Hey Kev, did they have the 2015 2520 xld there with all the new "standard" features? Interested to see if you like the non skid in pilothouse.
Not sure if the boats in the show were 2014's or 2015's.
That said, I did not go aboard and check them out as I stopped by on the way to my boat before the show opened.
Hopefully another member who did go aboard can answer.