Anyone see this boat at the AC show?

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Nov 17, 2006
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Indian River, DE / Norfolk, VA
i totally think im in love!! i hear it can accept IPS drives with modifications from Volvo as well.

34 feet, twin diesel inboard, 320 gallon fuel capacity, and an ENORMOUS cockpit. this might be my next boat once the money tree i grew from the clipping Kevin gave me blooms :D


  • TWM 34.jpg
    TWM 34.jpg
    119.2 KB
Very nice. Alot like a boat I saw here in Seattle. Ocean Sport (Ocean Sport I was checking these out pretty hard. Mabye in a year or two though for me. Any idea what they were asking for these? Thanks
My money tree is doing well, but it hasn't bloomed yet. There is still hope though! :)

Good looking boat, and those IPS drives are the shiz... :wink:
The original factory was in my home town in Little Ferry, NJ right on the Hackensack River. I used to take a ride behind their building and see all of the new boats. Real interesting how they stored the molds outside when they were producing a specific model. Unfortunately, Bergen County, NJ is a real expensive area to operate in, so they moved down south.

True World makes a great boat and they use top of the line engines and drive trains. However, these boats are true walk arounds. If you are looking to fish all around the boat, they're great. If you're expecting a lot of cabin room, you'll be real disapointed. Also, with the twin inboards, they are slow. Haven't heard that they come with IPS drives, but if they do, I'm sure it'll be much faster.
Trueworld Marine used to be Master Marine
"Moonie boats" Named for the reverand Moon and his church/cult , were very popular in the 80s for tuna fishing up here in the north east.
I bud of mine had an old 28 ft center console Master marine (one of the old Moonie fleet) I was on it many times.
VERY sharp entry and a narrow beem, the boat plowed awesome through a head sea.
Any idea of the price tag on this 34fter ???
I really like the wide walk around , allows you to safely fish 360 degrees,