Mpellet, you explanation about a traditional 2 bank battery switch echos in my mind everytime I see a switch discussion. While my routine is only slightly different, it is basically the same. I am Just now replacing my two batteries installed in 2015 on my 2520. Prior to that the Deka batteries were the originals to my 2005 vintage.
My prior boat had the same setup. I owned that boat for 24 years. Never had an issue using the same routine. At that time I was on a 7 year replacement schedule.
In essence, I second your advise of KISS. And no I am not advising anyone or interested in a conversation to convince me otherwise. This simply works for me and obviously a lot of others. It is not rocket science.
Thanks for listening.
Since neither you or Mpellet are interested in being convinced otherwise, this comment is directed to any other viewers that may be reading this thread. You guys can feel free to skip, because I’m going to get long winded here.
I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. Battery management via a properly installed 1-2-both-off switch or switches does work. It can be done and it has been done, for many years, by many people.
What it CANNOT do is the following:
-Provide isolation between house and starting circuits. Whatever position the switch is in is the source of power for the output post, to which both the engine and house power cables are connected. By definition, therefore, both circuits are common and will see any influence in the other. This means that the house power system, including highly voltage-sensitive electronics, will see voltage spikes during motor cranking, when high amperage going to the starter will sharply pull down the system voltage, which then spikes back up as the alternator kicks in and begins providing 14+VDC to the same system. Electronics do not like this, and may power down, generate system errors, and in some cases sustain damage. Every modern piece of electronic equipment is now a computer; computers like stable voltage. Likewise, with the engine off, the house circuit will draw down whatever source it is connected to, with no protection at all to ensure that a fully charged battery remains available for cranking service.
-Provide simultaneous battery charging for isolated batteries. Again, with a traditional switch the only battery that is seeing charge current is the one that is lined up with the switch dial. If in the Both position, then yes, both batteries are being charged. But in any other position, only one battery is actively being charged. The other one will remain in whatever charge condition it started in.
-Allow for the use of different battery sizes and types for maximum system effectiveness. Since both cranking and house loads are being supported by whatever battery is selected, you’re getting very little benefit out of selecting and installing the right battery for the task at hand. Modern battery construction allows for a high degree of specialization in battery type: cranking circuits can use small, power-intense, cranking batteries, which provide high CCA ratings at the expense of some AHs (which are mostly irrelevant to cranking service anyway). They’re also usually lighter and significantly cheaper than a deep cycle. Quality deep cycle batteries, on the other hand, offer impressive power densities and construction that allows significant depth of discharge without damage to the battery. Pairing a dedicated cranking battery with a high-quality, properly sized deep cycle battery gives you the absolute best of both worlds and the highest degree of system performance.
Nor do I accept the “KISS” aspect of the argument for the traditional switch. All a BEP switch is, is three ON-OFF switches and a VSR (which is not critical to basic system function). From a design standpoint, I think it’s a tough argument to make that three single position switches are inherently more complicated than a four-position switch with multiple internal contacts. I’ve seen 1-2-B-O switches fail internally; I can’t recall the last time I saw a simple On-Off battery switch fail. From an operational standpoint, I argue that your system is MORE complicated: in order to responsibly manage your boat’s electrical system, I have to set my switch to one battery, crank my engine (remembering to start up my electronics AFTER doing so, to avoid voltage spikes), then switch to BOTH for the ride out to charge both batteries, then switch to one battery when I get out there to keep a charged battery in reserve, repeat that process as I move around during the day, switch back to BOTH for the ride in, etc. etc. You’re talking interacting with your battery switch multiple times during the day, if you’re doing it responsibly. And if you’re NOT doing it responsibly, you’re running the risk of a discharged cranking battery. Since you’re intentionally putting your batteries in parallel, it’s incumbent on you to isolate them again, which adds a high degree of potential for human error.
Contrast that to my BEP switch: I turn the HOUSE and START switches on at the beginning of the day. I run around, starting and stopping my engine as I choose, and then at the end of the day I turn those same switches off. That’s IT. Two interactions. My VSR takes care of all the rest. And if the VSR fails, guess what? I’m in the same position you guys are, but I still maintain my system isolation. I just turn my yellow emergency parallel switch on when I want to simultaneously charge both batteries, and off when I want them isolated. There is no physical way that my batteries can become inadvertently paralleled, unless I close the yellow switch, which is not something I have to do on any regular basis. In theory, the system should function it’s entire life without ever being placed into “emergency parallel” mode.
To summarize, there is really no argument as to why the 1-2-B-O switch is a better system than a BEP switch, because it’s not. It’s less effective, it’s not appreciably “simpler”, it requires more user action. The only thing it IS, is familiar. If you want to make the “it’s what I’ve always done and I like it that way” argument, or the “I make it work and I don’t feel like spending a few hundred dollars on an upgrade” argument, or the “I don’t feel like learning how a new, improved piece of equipment works” argument, then that’s fine, you do you. But insinuating that both systems are equally effective ways of conducting battery management is patently incorrect.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk. I’m happy to discuss further with anyone who has questions.