Blue Sky Yanmar 4LHA-STZP

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Reaction score
Seaford, New York
The engine is in and final wiring is under way. Sea trial next week for this Yanmar 240HP/Bravo X Two repower of a 1998 2530 XL.


  • Blue Sky Yanmar 4LHA-STZP.jpg
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Oh man I love that photo...
That is "Tim the Toolman" cool!!! :D
We went for the sea-trial yesterday. Cruising at 23kts @ 2950rpm which is what the mechanics are saying I should run it at.

The diesel is louder by a good amount so I just order all the materails to redo the soundproofing with 2" Soundown which is mass loaded vinyl sandwiched Between two layers of polyether fire retardant foam. The soundproofing that comes from Parker is only 1" without the mass loaded vinyl. I am also going to build scupper channels to isolate them from the engine noise and soundproof the transom and hatch doors.

Notice the new PVC drip edge which replaced the much smaller aluminum drip edge from Parker. This was needed as the Turbo is directly under.


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Beautiful work!
23kts cruise is excellent...

Congratulations! 8)
Would love to see performance numbers (miles per gallon) at that cruise!

BlueSky":29vkxk2g said:
... diesel is louder by a good amount so I just order all the materails to redo the soundproofing with 2" Soundown which is mass loaded vinyl sandwiched between two layers of polyether fire retardant foam ...
Awesome :D !

You might also want to consider 'painting' the areas you'll add the soundproofing material to with Silent Running, a sound ensorbing 'paint'. Not cheap, but really supposed to work according to Powerboat Report testing.

The repower was done at Al Grover's Marina in Freeport --> Top-notch operation!

Installing a diesel flow-scan was a little pricey so I will have to do the math after filling up several times to get the GPH. I know a guy in my fishing club that has the same engine in a 26' Fortier and he does 7GPH at that RPM. I think I will being doing a little better as the Parker is a planing hull where the Fortier is not.
Here are the performance numbers so far. I don't have a flowscan so I have been loging hours and doing the math when I fill up.

I have been running the engine at 2750rpm and doing 22kts. The fuel is coming out to just under 6gph.

The mechanic who installed the engine recommend 3000rpm which gets me about 24kts. I like the feel of the boat at 22kts but it is nice to know that I have the extra speed if I need to hurry home.
I finally got the true GPH on the new diesel.

My wife and I ran the boat with full fuel, inshore/offshore tackle, bait, ice, drinks, food and clothes for a week of vacation. We ran the boat 92 miles from Freeport, NY to Montauk, NY @ 2800rpm the whole way averaging 20.5kts in a 2-4' quarter following sea.

I was please to find out that we are doing 6GPH at that RPM. On a calm day, 2800rpm gets us 21.5kts.

Also, something I never knew but someone told me and it appears to be true, boats run faster at the same RPMs in colder water. When I first launched the boat in February, I was getting better than 22kts @ 2800 and now that the bay temp is 70 I am getting 21.5kts at the same RPM. I guess it makes sense as colder water is denser and must give better traction.
I like your numbers better than mine.
I burn 12 to 13 gph @ 4000 rpm to do that same speed.

Anytime I can average 20 kts in Cheasapeake Bay chop I'm a happy camper. :)
Hi Brian - That's great economy.

What happens is simply a basic law of thermodynamics, any engine operates more efficiently when the differance between the operating temperature of the engine and that of the ambient air is greatest. (providing the engine is hotter than the ambient air)

It's a fact !

Best - Paul
BlueSky":2uyyuyss said:
I have been running the engine at 2750rpm and doing 22kts. The fuel is coming out to just under 6gph.
Wow! 4.2 miles per hour @ 25 mph is just plain AWESOME!

Dayum, wonder if it's too late to stick a diesel to I/O via a jackshaft into my big girl ...
Dale - Never too late. Take your beauty to Long Island and talk to Dante Grover. They have the ability to do that conversion, and might be happy to do so knowing other Parker owners might line up.

What would be in it for him is the number of Yanmars he would sell !!