Boat Color

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2013
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If ordering a new 2520, do you believe there's any way to get Parker to use the original gelcoat color that they discontinued a few years ago? thanks
Yea, I find that incredible. There must be some amount of $ you could throw at them to do it. I just don't understand why they moved away from THE parker color.
I asked the same question last summer, got the same answer Nope.

So I went with white.
Was told white boats catch more fish.

Good luck
Nope and Nope! Tried myself and was told that they have to mix a special batch of gelcoat and have to then clean the mold/forms/tools. It wasn't worth their efforts and expense. I do have a white 2510; a little bright but I love it!!
Thanks for the responses. Anyone have a pic of the new green ?
that's why I got the last batch of older hull color 2013 I did not want the white didn't like it to bright that what set them apart from other boats
Looking to do some touch up painting on the topside of an 18 cc 1994. Does anyone know how the hatteras off white by intelux matches up?
For what it is worth, if you are only doing touch up I have found that rustoleum OYSTER white Top Side is a pretty solid match. Obviously this is not a replacement for the real gel coat which you can order online at Cecil Marine. Anyway, The rustoleum Oyster white can be easily obtained at Lowes and is a really close match.
This really is a shame. As i tell folks all the time, i love the original Parker cream because, while it never looks great, it also never looks bad!