Bottom paint

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Nov 19, 2011
Reaction score
Caseville, Michigan
I know this was discussed a few months back but I can't seem to find the post. My question is on my 05 2520, the brown bottom paint needs a little attention. I want to give it a quick sanding, wipe it down with?? and put a fresh coat on it. My question is how can I tell what kind of paint to buy? I lightly sanded an area, then took a rag with denatured alchol, and the rag was black in a matter of a minute or so. Does that tell me it is albative paint on it now? If so do I want to put another coat of albative on?
Appreciate any input
Paint choice depends on personal use/desires/prefeences. I prefer ablatives on plaining boats as the hull moving through the water helps keep the paint refreshed, so the bottom tends to stay cleaner from growth and slime.

With ablatives, if you read through the advice I had posted, I only solvent wash with acetone whene I see "bare" hull bottom.

I also prefer to scrape ablative hulls, then a quick sand in spots where barnacles were (using a sanding pad on a broom handle) and then a pressure power wash ... that leaves it ready for re-painting.
I just completed my bottom painting project for the first time and all went pretty well.I first lightly sanded the old surface
followed by a power washing to remove the sanding dust. { I found out that it is a good idea to power wash the entire boat after sanding to remove all stray dust from the boat. I did not intially do this and after a rain storm today the entire boat had the black sanding dust residue all over the boat and was a bitch to get off after the fact. } . I used interlux act w slime protector, 1 gallon was more than enough with a little left over. The boat looks great with a fresh coat of bottom paint. The local parker dealer told me this is what they recommend to use for paint in my area [ narragansett bay]. good luck and make sure you give her a bath after sanding..