Can that epoxy putty be painted?

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Well-known member
Jul 7, 2007
Reaction score
S. Pasadena, FL
Can that green and white epoxy putty that comes in a tube and you mix together be painted? Like with touch up spray paint for example? Will it hold the color?
I never tried it before but I don't see why not.

The trick to painting Epoxy is to get rid of the Amine Blush that occurs when it cures. It is basically a waxy substance that comes to the surface. Now if those two part epoxy stick produce that much blush I do not know, but with other epoxy say West for example, if you want the paint to stick you need to let it thoroughly cure for a few days then give it a good wet sand or scotch-brite scrub with plenty of water. I have spray painted West with Krylon paint on a few boat projects and it still looks great three years later.

Hope that helps.