Sounds too aggressive to me. First off, NEVER, ever use any alkali-based cleaner on anodized aluminum, e.g., ammonia, lye, washing soda, and even my favorite ... Bar Keeper's Friend.
You do not want to scuff up nor mar the finish nor the anodized finish. I keep it simple - WD40 and a rag. Once aluminnum pits there is not too much you can do. Best defense is to keep it from pitting and that means keep it cleaned and waxed. You will need to wash down the piece 'lightly' with a solvent like naptha or acetone on a clean rag before waxing.
IMHO where most screw up, and this includes the Manufacturers, is that some things are marked OK for use on aluminum, but that necessarily does NOT mean it's OK on anodized aluminum. Even 3M's 1-Step aluminum cleaner is NOT designed for use on anodized surfaces, which is typically what you find in the marine market.