i have an i/o, so i have one racor with metal bowl on the block....
my fuel line from the tank, however, runs around to the starboard
cockpit, under the washboard, where i have a primary gas filter
of the clear/blue plastic kind.....this way, i can SEE the water level
at all times and drain once it approaches the top....
the petcock for draining has two "funny" aspects.,. first, it screws
UP TO screws down to close....this is a bit counter intuitive
i submit......second, it needs to be "screwed up" A LOT before any drain
action sure to have a proper receptacle underneath the
petcock THE WHOLE TIME, as the actual flow is unpredictable and the
closure point is not the same as the drain point when closing the petcock really works well, but has some quirks to be sure......
oh, and i have FILLED the plastic bowl (the meniscus disappears upward) in under half an hour: the tank was low (so the well-known
"free surface effect" was in full force) on gas, it was extremely rough,
so that microdroplets of water were being created in the tank for trans
port through the fuel line in large numbers........
a racor (i love having two) is an essential piece of SAFETY gear.....the
water or other gunk will stop your engine when it gets very low or very
rough!......this is BAD! install, drain, and otherwise coddle that racor
as precious....and FILL UP EACH TRIP......full tanks dont have these prob