Dual Battery Setup Question with twins

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2006
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New Jersey
Was hoping someone could help me out.

New parker with twin engines. Two batteries and two battery switches.

I beleive that each motor is separately wired to only one battery.

Meaning, if one battery completely died, I could not start that motor.

Can that really be correct? I cannot beleive that it is set up that way, but I do beleive it is. Is there any easy way to fix this?
I was mistaken. Each motor is wired to a switch, but each battery can start either motor. So, if one battery switch is off, I cannot start that motor, but if that switch is on, I can start that motor, even if I disconnect that battery. Sorry for my mistake and hope I did not confuse anyone.
But you will spike your electronics without the dedicated 3rd battery for the House Battery.
Warthog, I do not believe alot of people here know what you mean when you say "spike your electronics". I just had a conversation with a friend about not turning the main battery switch from position to position while the engine is running, diodes, alternators, electronics, $$, and such and believe I should have been talking to the wall from the look on his face.

I agree with you on the BEP switch clusters, they are the cats meow. I cheated and bought the motorized one for my application though.
OK.... I'll Explain.

Electronics need XYZ number of Voltage. When ever you hit the key to start the motor that voltage drops and the electronics fall out and shut down. This is what is referred to as Spiking the electronics. It's not good for them.

As to the battery switches...."Perko" as example.

Switches in the '70's and before were not "Make before Break".

OK.... Make before Break.

It means that as you turn the switch from Position 1 to Position 2 or to position ALL. The contact bar inside the switch makes contact with the next position BEFORE it disconnects wih the previous position. IE: No interruption of current.

The old stuff did not do this. And thus the tale goes on from years gone by.

Now why is this important?

If your motor is running and you turn the master switch to OFF you will screw up your alt. The old switches would effectively do this as there would be no contact between one terminal / position still while moving to the next terminal / position.

So how did they fix that? By building master switches that are "Make Before Break".
Had same question on my new 2820. This is what parker sent me . Hope this helps. Also hope you get the attachment it's my first time sending an attachment.


    42.6 KB
Just yesterday...... I threw 2- 100amp Battery Integrator away. That was part of the old system that I had on my Mako.

Integrators are supposed to allow the batteries to be full charged, but Battery Isolators are not.

That preceded BEP Cluster switches.

They also slowly killed $600 worth of batteries.


http://www.newmarpower.com/Battery_Isol ... ators.html
Anyone see the problem?


Look at Battery Switch #1. [Aft Port]

Look at where the Positive for the motor hooks up. What else is hooked there?

2- 40amp Breakers and it says it feeds " To "+" Buss bars at Helm"

So what they are saying is Battery #1 is a start battery and is Also the House battery. Perfect Conditions to................

...............................................Spike your Electronics
Warthog, I should have been more clear on this. My friend would switch a battery switch under load from one battery to another passing through the "OFF" position and not the "BOTH" position. He always turned the switch clockwise no matter what he was doing. He has had electrical gremlin problems on three boats.
I may still not follow you correctly?

But if the engine was running?.......and he turned the switch and went thru OFF.....He killed it.

I didn't think that was possible anymore?

IE: The switch would go to OFF, but then had to go back the oppisote direction to be turned ON again.
Well....Like I said. They turned it to OFF with the motor running. Instant fry the Alt.

I'm use to everyone talking about Perko's.