E-Z Anchor Puller Mfg. Co.

Classic Parker Boat Forum

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I want to install an EZ 3 or 4 on my 2820. I’m located in Clearwater, FL.
Hey DionysiosA76! Let's talk specs: how much rope and chain do you currently have on your vessel? Maybe we can narrow down your options before you make a final decision. I'm also linking our current brochure for your viewing. You can give us a call 9 - 7pm EST Monday through Friday for more information, orders and more!

I look forward to hearing from you,
I know this is an old post but I love my ez on my 2820
I have 600 ft of Dyneema, 75 of nylon and 50 of chain. With lots of extra room still
Your EZ-Anchor Puller looks like a sturdy unit!.... Wondering why you did not re-install the bow cleats?
I replaced them after repositioning and I much prefer the new location. I’ll try and snag a pic if I remember next time down at the boat
I replaced them after repositioning and I much prefer the new location. I’ll try and snag a pic if I remember next time down at the boat
Live2fish these are awesome photos! Thank you so much for sharing - would you mind filling out a short review for our website? You can attach photos and I'd love to use this as another example of a Parker installation.

You can review by clicking this link here or email me at socialmedia@ezanchorpuller.com!

Thank you!

Candace, Social Media & Digital Marketing