Ear Muffs

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
Saint Marks FLORIDA
Can you use Muffs to run a 250, 4 stroke with out over heating?
I was told they will not pee ?
Boat has been sitting in the yard for three weeks and I want to see if I can start it up before going.
As always thanks for the help.
You should be fine as long as you get the good muffs and have good water pressure. The good ones feed water to both sides of the intake. My 225s will run on those all day long...
I usually flush my Yamaha C115 for 15 minutes with muffs (while motor is not running). Should I be doing that with the motor running? :?:
Not familiar with the features of the 115, but my 225 OX66 has a flush port located at the base of the cowling, port side.
I just unscrew the fitting, attach a garden hose, and flush away...

I flush my motor in the slip, engine OFF, and motor up.
Been using the quality ear muffs on my f250. Engine does not seem to want to pee using them, so I have only been running it very briefly. I then finish up with the hose connected to the flushing port (engine not running) for 15 minutes. Who knows? Probably wasting my time with the muffs.

I had a cooling problem (F-225). Boat dealer replaced water pump. Still had problem. I changed water pump and tested in driveway with ears. R/R 3 times no improvement. Found a corroded t-stat and changed. No improvement. R/R water pump 3 more times. Pulled various connections and flushed to no avail.

As a last resort, bought a trash can and stuck lower unit in it. Water instantly shot out two feet away. Pressure guage showed full pressure.

My "ears" went to the trash can. I'll use the flush fitting on side of motor or a trash can from now on.
grouperjim":cz55l4s6 said:

I can't believe that you just admitted to actually having a problem with a YAMAHA engine. Wow! LOL :eek:

I keep the boat @ a storage lot without any way to flush motor. After 3 years in saltwater w/o flushing, 1 t-stat corroded.

Whoever heard of having to flush saltwater motor after only 3 years? Crummy Jap-built, no HP motor! :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I sometimes have a problem getting the 150HPDI to pee on muffs. I won't flush it on muffs if it won't pee.

I get the best results from making sure both intake ports are covered by the muffs, then turn hose on full blast until water comes strongly out the little hole in the foot near the intake. Then cut the hose back and light her up...sometimes takes 20 seconds or so to pee. If no pee in 30 seconds I'll shut her down and repeat.
Most problems I've had with muffs are because they don't seat tight enough on the water intake and most of your pressure is lost in the splash.
I usually put the muffs on and then use a couple long bungie cords to hold tightly in place. Ended the no pee and overheat problems on both an F115 and a 2S 200.
also try unscrewing the plastic grates,that cover the water intake it gets rid of some water resistance.
I use a single-side feed muff on my F-115s. They pee and stay cool. Did this last Saturday when I changed oil and filters in both motors.

