Electrical Problem

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Well-known member
Sep 24, 2008
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HELP! :?

Hi Guys. Big problem here.

I am in the process of installing the new LED Nav. lights. I took the old light off yesterday and left the rest for today. I went out to work on her and figured I could start by identifying the positive wire. Grabbed the test light and got nothing. I figured it was grounding issue with the test light so I tried a few different spots and nothing. I then plugged the old light back in and got nothing. I checked to make sure the switch was on and it was. I checked the back of the switch and everything seems ok. I checked the breaker and that was all good.

After playing with for a while I needed a break so I drilled for the new lights and added the necessary wire and did a few other errands. I went back to the electrical problem I noticed that nothing that operates off the switches is working. I checked with a test light and have power on both sides of all the breakers. I have power in to the switchs but not out for some reason. I took one other step and tried turning the forward bildge on with the switch and got nothing but when I pull the float swithch up the pump goes on.

It seems the whole panel is dead for some reason.

Any suggestions?????
Or cycle the batt switch a few times, some times the contacts get dirty. If not that the do what Dale says and clean all contacts to the battery and switches.
Got it. Feel like an idiot!

I spent hours behind the dash, checking everything i could think of. After I wrote it up here I went back outside and looked around for about a minute. Low and behold right there in front of me is this huge connector, hmmm.. A little more investigating and I found the other half plugged them together and everything works again. I have no idea how this came apart and how I missed after all the time looking around in there. Luckily it was a minor incident and all is well..

Thanks for the replies.
I have a very similar issue. The bottom 4 switches on the panel work, but everything above that (washdown, wipers, bilges, nav lights) don't). The issue appeared after I removed the FM stereo antenna. Maybe the end of the antenna cable snagged something when I was pulling it through?

I will check grounds and look for obvious undone connections, but has anyone had just a portion of the switches go out?



One thing I noticed when I replaced the switches on my panel a few years ago, is that there is a short jumper that connects one switch to the other (I can't remember if its power or ground) so it might be worth a quick check to make sure one of these wires didn't get disconnected in the process. Check the jumper that connects the last working switch with the first non-working one.

-- Tom
I have two wires feeding my switch panel. One feeds the top and the other feeds the bottom. You may have a bad connection or need to reset one of the breakers feeding the switch panel.
Learned quite a bit about the wiring in my boat yesterday. Like Topshot said, I too have 2 wires feeding the panel...1 feeds the lower 5 and one feeds the top 5. All it needed was the breaker being reset back at the battery.

Thanks for the help.
