New to the site as well as a new owner of a 2001 2520. I purchased this boat over the winter and after a lot of work finally splashed her in early may. Prior to putting boat in slip I filled 127 gallon tank with 120 gallons of fuel. Immediately upon heading out for first run with wife aboard I noticed about a gallon of raw fuel in the bilge under the pilot house. After a nervous ride home I began my research and repairs. Fuel fill line and vent were replaced. All hose clamps and connections were inspected and replaced. Eventually found the sending unit was leaking fuel down the top of the tank and into the bilge. I then replaced sending unit and believed I had resolved the problem. I dried bilge and put boat back into its slip. After the boat sat for a week in the slip I went to check, and found fuel still making it into the bilge. Next step was I pulled boat again, and scrubbed and continured to vent bilge. I observed a couple ounces of fuel mixed with water leaching forward with the jack lowered all the way down. I can clean the fuel up with a couple paper towels each day. I have had the entire fuel system gone over professionally thinking I may have missed something, and I had the tank pressure tested. Mechanic gave me a green light and said the pressure test was good.. I am at a loss for any further causes of an issue aside from left over fuel still in bilge from original sending unit leak. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks