Fuel shut off ?

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2009
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There is a valve (I think)in the tank tap that does not allow free flow maybe anti -siphon, but was wondering to add a true fuel shut off valve in-line. I was thinking of just adding a in-line brass shut off just before the water separator filter. :?:
That is not a bad idea.....But then remove the anti siphon valve and knock the ball out of it....Then reinstall the fitting.
For those of us with multiple tanks (in my case three), the factory tank selector valve has a shutoff position in addition to the tank selector position(s).

Ask me sometime how I discovered this.
Hint: It cost me a lot of money to find out about this fact. :oops:
? for Warthog, can I just add the shut off without taking our the anti siphon tap in the tank?
I was thinking of just a simple in line shut off.
Yes.....But the balls are nortorious to cause you problems.

In my boat the Port ball was already removed when I checked it.

I had hooked a elec. fuel pump to suck all the fuel out of the tanks for cleaning a while ago. On the STB tank it set up thas whistling noise that you could hear real good at the vent and right beside the antisiphon fitting. The ball was half stuck.

Every mechanic that I know removes them.