found it. This is more realistic real world numbers than what Yamaha has.
2006 2320 F250/bracket
My new numbers with engine in top hole with Merc rev 4 19 pitch are:
400 lbs gas
400 lbs of people
100 lbs of gear
WOT 45mph 5600 rpm
2.6 mpg 35mph 4600 rpm
2.8 mpg 30mph 4200 rpm
3.0 mpg 25mph 3700 rpm
More prop testing. 2006 Parker 2320/f250 same load and conditions as above.
Prop: (3 blade) Merc Mirage Plus/Yamaha SWS (15 1/4 x 19)
WOT 47 mph 5800 rpm
2.7 mpg 35 mph 4600 rpm
2.9 mpg 30 mph 4200 rpm
3.0 mpg 28 mph 4100 rpm
2.5 mpg 25 mph 4000 rpm
Note: Steering with a three blade v. four blade is MUCH easier because the Rev 4 has such a wide cone of thrust (stern lifting prop) v. the narrow cone of thrust on the Mirage/SWS (bow lifting prop). Steering: 3 blade=easier, 4 blade=harder/stiffer.
Also, the mpg/rpms really starts to decay with the Mirage/SWS at 25 mph because of the weight of the boat and the amount of slip as the boat is struggling to stay on plane. The boat is not efficiently on plane until 28 mph with the Mirage/SWS. Anything lower than that is not going to work even with the 12x24 tabs.
For me I have to be able to stay efficiently on plane in the 20-25 mph range due to the steep seas we often get offshore in the Gulf. I'm definitely going to stay with the Rev 4 even though steering is a bit stiffer. I am going to try the Rev 4 17 pitch next and with post data upon completion.
More prop testing. The monsoon finally subsided long enough for me to get out at try a Merc Rev 4 17 pitch.
WOT 44 mph 6000 rpm
2.5 mpg 35 mph 5000 rpm
2.8 mpg 30 mph 4400 rpm
3.1 mpg 25 mph 3900 rpm
Overall I like this prop the best. There is a nice cruising rpm range from 3800-4200 with about 3.0 mpg efficiency. In that range the engine sounds very smooth. There is no significant bogging down in higher seas either. With this prop the F250 pushes along effortlessly. Although 35 mph is less efficient due to the 5000 rpms needed to get there, I don't really get to go that fast in any kind of real sea anyway just basically due to the helm being that far forward on the hull. So, I am happy with the 3.0+ mpg in the 25-28 mph range.