Garmin help please

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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
I have a Garmin 942xs installed on my boat at the helm now and just came across a good deal on a 94 sv which I want to mount beneath the overhang on my Parker Pilothouse being visible while out on the deck fishing. My question is will the transducers cause issues with each other if I mount them side by side or on opposite sides of the transom?
Thanks Jay
Yes......If they operate at the same freq. My question is.......Why would you do that?

Interface the 942xs to the 94 sv and keep going.....They will share the same X-Ducer. What you see on one will see on the other one.
The two transducers are both transom mount and are a GT 23 on the 942xs and a CT 51 with the 94sv. I am not an electronics guy but the different views between the two would be good but as far as the frequency stuff I have no idea. Thats why I am looking for help.
I just spent a bunch of time researching your units.

So....You kinda have a Hodge podge of stuff....

Both are CHIRP.

1 is touchscrean and has No Sideview It has a Ethernet connection.....[That square that looks like a large phone jack on the back]

The other is not touchscrean and has no sideview. This has a different type mount that combines the cabling.

But I don't know if it has Ethernet and or NMEA 2000?

But really all you want to know is can you put the X-ducers side by side and they work?

The answer is maybe? If they operate at the same freq. They will interfear with one another.

But...There could also be a problem with splash interferance.....Depends on how close together they are?

If you brought it to me.....I would not do what your asking. Get another unit that has Ethernet and NMEA 2000 and network them.....Also get the X-ducers off the transom and install a singe thruhull.
What thru hull for Garmins? I am not an electronics guy at all and need all the help I can get.
Your transducer choice really depends of what type of fishing you do. Might be easier to call a marine electronics company and they can really walk you through what’s best for your type of fishing. I’m sure there are plenty of great resources back east like BOE Marine or something. Companies like that make a living off people calling and asking what they need, so don’t be shy. You’ll learn a lot just talking with them. I run a B175 HW to two 7610 xsv’s and love it, but I’m mainly looking at fish in the water column above 400 ft. Best of luck !

You could also call Gil Travis.
Gil Travis 1-800-925-0341
[email protected] for Sales and technical support

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What thru hull would I be looking at if I keep both units? I see them in all different price ranges and again I am not very knowledgeable in the electronics field. Rhode Island mostly, 100' most times but a few trips off shore tuna "wishin".
