Hi, I'm Porkchunker, and I'm a slacker

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2006
Reaction score
Solomons Island, MD
Must admit my failings. I've drifted away from here but need to come back and renew friendships and look over all the mods people have made in the last couple of years I've been doing other things.
You still running out of Solomons?
Made any modifications to Tina's Diamond?

Yes, I'm still running out of Solomons. NRC costs less for me to store the boat than up here in the Anappolis area. Fishing is great, there are a lot of rivers and big islands to fish in/around, and it is less crowded. Water quuality seems to be better down there also.

Havn't made any significant mods to the Diamond lately. Did do a lot of work on the trailer last summer. Replaced fenders and a lot of bolts and hangers. Replaced the all around white light with a LED, and looking to replace all of the remaining lights with LED.

Yes, my father built that boat in 1958. The hull came from a Canadian company that perfected the cold modling process to build curved surfaces for the British Mosquito bomber during WWII. After the war they went back to canoes and boats with the new technology.

The hull is 5-ply birch. Dad went up and retrieved the hull and then installed the transom and all bulkheads. Finished it with stained and varnished mahogany on the topsides and onel layer of fiberglass and resin (very new technology in 1958) and two coats of paint.

I learned to fish in that boat. Also learned to water ski behind her. But since she had two rope-start 18s on her at the time, by the time I was in Jr. High, she wouldn't pull me up out of the water on skis.

When I received her, the 18s were worn out, so I scrounded two electric start 35s and rebuild both (top and bottom). Both of my boys learned to ski behind her.

She is upside down on a frame on the trailer right now getting some new glass on the keel and a fresh coat of paint.
Well, I'm still a slacker.

Dad passed away two years ago, and last year I moved Mom to Lincoln, NE to be closer to my brother (MD, family practicioner). Youngest son was married this summer, and I've just been lazy about getting back on CP to contribute.

Obviously haven't spent much time on the boat the last two years. Haven't hauled her down to Norfolk, VA to fish the CBBT in three seasons. That is bad. Opened up comms with my old fishing buddy down in Norfolk, and plan to try to get back down there for a couple of trips in Dec and Jan.

Haven't done any additional mods to the Diamond, but did have to replace the bilge door this summer. New door provided by Tri-State Marine was a bit bigger so I used a jig saw to enlarge the opening. Man I did not expect to go through 8 blades. Seems the non-skid surface is full of particles that really eat jig saw blades. Anyway, the opening was made, the edges soaked in expoxy and the new door was replaced.

New LED red/green lights are the next project.

She is getting some age on her but is still in great shape and fishes tall water in the Ches. Bay with ease.