Hole shot 2120 SC

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Jul 14, 2013
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2120 hole shot? Yamaha 15 M 14 1/2 prop, Yamaha 2014 F 200 XB. Full fuel 90 gal, four adults. 2 in cabin and 2 on deck. Large 36" fish box at stern full of ice. Planers down.

Boat plows through the water and is slow to get up on plane. Steep bow rise. Once on plaine, 38 MPH. Is this normal? The 38 MPH is fine for me. I normally run at about 25 and in rough seas, 12-15.

I know i am heavy on the stern however, it seems i should be coming out of the water faster.

You might not even know if your boat - as rigged - is setup correctly. Read through this post and ensure YOUR boat is setup w/ the correct prop and motor height.


NOTE - you use the WOT test to see what RPMs your prop gives you for best performance. Ideally you want to turn no less than 200 off that max number as obtained from the OB makers OEM specs (not hearsay or tach gauge). But that does NOT mean that you run her there all the time.

On a 2-stroke your best performance will be from 3,800 to 4,200 RPMs, maybe a 200-400 higher across the board for a 4-stroke.

Test YOUR boat 1st .... as everything else is just a guess ...