I'm thinking the 21se meets my needs...

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Beach Guy

New member
Jun 30, 2012
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I'm new to the forums and starting my search for a new center console boat. I'll be using the boat on the south shore of Long Island...Great South Bay. Although, I would probably head out to the ocean on really nice days. It's just me and my wife, we'll be using it for fishing, cruising, and going to the beach. I definitely want a new boat. I plan on keeping it forever and maintaining it meticulously. I REALLY like the clean look and design of the Parker boats. I don't want/need a lot of options on the boat...fewer things to maintain/break. I thought the 21 ft boat would be too small until I saw one. There seems to be a lot of room which surprised me. I'm just wondering if anyone has experience with the 21 se that might help me make my decision. I really appreciate any opinions/information...thanks!
We just purchased a new 21se a few weeks ago. We looked at just about everything in the 20-21' range. I grew up in coastal NC so I'm very familiar with Parkers. I wanted something simple that is easy to maintain. The Parker 21se has more room than anything else we looked at. The only downside for me was the amount of storage, however the new console is HUGE! And the porta potty is a huge plus. We have used ours for beach days carrying 6 people, with beach chairs, floats, you name it and easily still have room for 2-3 more people. The boat is a mod v so it will never ride as good through seas as a deep v boat. But everything is about trade offs. I'm not going tournament fishing so i can pick my days. Also I wanted something with a shallow draft for inshore. And the 21 floats crazy shallow for such a big boat. The tabs are a big help too. Feel free to pm me with any questions. I can not express how much I love this boat. It's the best all around boat I have ever had.for our area down here. Often a boat manufacturer will try to make a versitile boat and it seems it.does nothing really well. I assure you that is not.the case.with the 21se. We rigged ours with the bow platform, pop up cleats, hydraulic steering, leaning post with backrest, garmin gps, and fusion stereo. The only thing.I.would do any differently would be to go with a bigger garmin unit, but I had.set a price point I.didn't want to exceed. I was very surprised by the fusion stereo and.speakers though, great stuff!
Thanks a lot for sharing the info. The more I look and the more I talk to people, it seems like this could be the boat I buy. It sounds like I would be using the boat the same way you describe using it. I've gotta get out on one and see how it rides!! I appreciate the offer to answer any questions!!
After some research, I'm also considering the 23SE. Found out that an old friend owns a 2005 23SE...I'm gonna get out for a ride as soon as I can. The only concern I have is how the boat will handle in a chop with the mod v hull. I know that proper use of the tabs can help, I'll just have to ride in it to see for myself. It can get pretty nasty out on the Great South Bay. Really looking forward to getting out on it.
I made the jump this year and bought a brandy new 2012 Parker 21 SE, powered by a Yamaha 150 Four Stroke. Very impressive boat, the modified V hull is a great choice if your intended use will be inshore or a few miles off the beach. This hull fits my needs perfectly, having the ability to chase breaking schools into the shallows or trolling deeper water off the beach. For years I ran a deep v boat through these beautiful inshore areas just to get to open ocean where the boat was in its element. I could never have run my previous deep v boats where I take the 21SE on a regular basis. The new hull design with the pad section aft helps the boat jump right up on plane. The 150 Yamaha gives me a solid 42-44 mph WOT and cruises very economically from idle to 4400 rpm, plenty of power for this hull. If you intend to run offshore often you should go with a deep v but if you'll be running to the beach or within sight off of it, the 21 SE is a great choice. Most days I am fishing my way out of Plum Island Sound (very shallow) to off of Cape Ann working the tide, either solo or with a couple of fishing buddies aboard, and this boat is great for my use. Having owned many different boats over the years, I am truly impressed with Parker, a good simple design that is built to last which is why I made the jump.
I had a 21SE for 10 years and loved it. Best boat I have ever owned. Sold it last spring and am now looking at an 1801 juts so I don't have so much boat to clean! : ) If you fish mostly inshore and go offshore on good days, I don't think you will find a better value than the 21SE.
I love my 21SE and run offshore as far as 50 miles out chasing tuna out of San Diego. Trim tabs are a must for offshore fishing. I like the fact that I can deploy full tabs and keep the boat on a plane in rough water and have a comfortable ride home. The modified bottom is easy on the fuel bill also. I also have a Formula 223 with a 24 degree bottom and although it rides better than the 21SE, it digs a deep hole in the water and takes a ton of fuel on my offshore trips!