Well my dodger is done and installed. Mike from Coastal Canvas sent me these photos so I haven't actually seen it in person yet. Hopefully next weekend though. I'm happy with how it turned out. I can zip it out from the ends and fold the dodger back for the walkarounds and also Mike surpirsed me with a center zip out for access to the rocket launchers and for air flow if I want it open. I still have the last 2' of deck prior to the front edge of the jump seats and back open for fishing and dealing with the rods while troling. Wtih the splash guard out as well it works pretty good. Again, all of the hard point mounts have push button quick release, so the whole top can be removed in a few minutes if so desired. The top is also set up so you can add side and back enclosures if you wanted to. I don't think that I will do that but you could if you wanted to. I know some of you don't care for tops on your Parkers but in NC in the summer you will get your butt kicked by the sun and heat in a few hours without one so for me some shade for me is a must have.