Well-known member
Recently I posted and electrical problem with my Bilge pump, wash down pump, and fuel gauge. I found the problem to be a corroded negative terminal bar in the bilge. Also found the rubber boot on the bottom of my wash down pump had split exposing the crimp terminals that clip on to the high pressure switch. Being an electrician after I got everything cleaned up, put the proper crimp terminals on and got everything back together, I coated the screw terminals on my terminal bar and the high pressure switch connections with some liquid electrical tape, it comes with an applicator brush. Its waterproof and insulates to 600 volts, and comes in white, black, red, blue and green. 5 bucks at electrical supplies, or home depot. I noticed when I was at west marine a while back they have a similar product but for naturally twice the price and I don't think in colors, so I thought I would pass this along for what its worth. . Mike